Department of International Law and Comparative Law

Head of the Department:
Viktor Ladychenko

Head of the Department, Doctor of Law, Professor


 Department of International Law and Comparative Law was established by Order № 180 of 03.03.2012.

The department employs: Head of the Department, Doctor of Law, Professor V.V.Ladychenko, Professor of the Department, Doctor of Law, Professor I.V.Kurylo, Associate Professor of the Department, PhD., Associate Professor L.O.Golovko, Professor of the Department, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor E.V.Shulga, Associate Professor of the Department, PhD., associate professor S.O. Kidalov, researcher, PhD., V.A.Vitiv, assistant of the department N.O.Kidalova.
The department organized 5 international conferences and 2 all-Ukrainian conferences on the basis of the Faculty of Law.
Legal Clinic "Protection and Justice" operates at the department. Associate Professor S.O.Kidalov is head of the Legal Clinic.
The following courses are taught in English: "Constitutional Law", "International Protection of Human Rights", "State Law of Foreign Countries", "Comparative Law", "Practice of the European Court of Human Rights", "International Public Law".
Two international projects are being implemented at the department: Erasmus + "EUFood Policy and Law":620340-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE and Erasmus + «EUEnvironmental, Climate Change and Energy Law»: 620353-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR.
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