
1930 р.



1930-1931 рр. Oleksij A. Ivakin, professor of the Kievan Medical Institute, manages concurrently the Anatomy Department.





1930 – zooengineering Faculty of the Kievan Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute moved to Dnipropetrovsk, where it exists at present, and Kievan Veterinary Institute remained.

26. Maximenko A. Material zur Stadium der Mm. serrati dorsales der Saugetiere. Zeitschr. Anat. Entw.-gesch., 1930. - Bd. 92. - № 2. - S. 151-177. 

27. Kolesnikow W-W. Uber die Mm. subcostales der Saugetiere Zeitschr. Anat. Entw.-gesch., 1930. - Bd. 92. - № 1. - S. 1-19.

28. Smirnowsky B.N. Zur Morphologie der respiratorischen Musculatur der Lacertilien. Anat. Anz., 1930. - Bd. 70. - № 1/4 . - S. 58-77.

Completing the construction of clinics of the Kievan Veterinary Institute (1930). Photo from the archives of the Anatomy Department.







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