Department staff

Head of the Department, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Dmitriy Litvinov
Тел.: 527-88-17
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Higher education: Luhansk State Agrarian University, speciality - agronomy, qualification - scientist agronomist, 2000.
Doctoral dissertation topic: "Agrobiological basis for improving the efficiency of short-term crop rotations in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine", speciality 06.01.01 "General Agriculture", 2015.
Disciplines he is responsible for teaching: Agrochemical service in crop production, Technological agrochemical service of land use, Innovative solutions in crop fertilisation, Fertilisers in precision agriculture.
Research interests: soil fertility management, soil biological activity; theoretical substantiation and development of agrobiological bases for increasing the efficiency of intensification means for the formation of soil fertility (water regime, physicochemical and agrochemical properties, biological activity), optimisation of the biological cycle of nutrients and organic substances in agrocenoses.
Registration in scientometric databases:
Google Scholar Scopus Web of Science ResearcherID
ORCID: 0000-0001-6589-3805

Secretary of Department, PhD of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Larysa O. Semenko
Тел.: 527-87-83
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Higher education: National Agrarian University, specialist in agrochemistry and soil science, 2004
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Agrochemical evaluation of the use of fertilizers for the cultivation of early white cabbage on the dark gray podzolized soil of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine", specialty 01.06.04 - agrochemistry, 2009
Disciplines for which she is responsible for teaching: agrochemistry, agrochemical service in fruit and vegetable growing, logistics of cultivation and sale of plant products
Research interests: optimization of nutrition and fertilization for vegetable crops.
Registration in scientometric databases:

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor
Anatoliy V. Bykin
Тел.: 527-87-83
Academic of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Higher education: Ukrainian Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Agricultural Academy, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - academic agronomist, 1989.
The topic of the doctoral dissertation: "Bioconversion of organic waste for the agro-industrial complex and the productivity of agroecosystems when using new types of fertilizers", specialty 01.06.04 - agrochemistry, 01.06.06 - vegetable growing, 1999.
Disciplines that are suitable for teaching: Agrochemical service in crop production systems, Technological agroservice for land use, Internal soil fertilization and foliar fertilizers application, potential risks for fertilizers fakes using.
Research interests: agrochemical service in crop production, innovative methods of agrochemical provision of various technologies for growing agricultural plants, diagnostics of plant nutrition, consulting.
Google scholar Scopus Web of Science ResearcherID
ORCID: 0000-0001-7212-7340

PhD of agricultural sciences, professor
Victor P. Kalensky
Тел.: 527-88-17
Honored worker of public education of Ukraine.
Higher education: Agricultural Academy of the Ukrainian Order of the Red Banner of Labor, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - scientist agronomist, 1977.
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "The effect of long-term application of fertilizers on the content of nitrogen compounds in the soil, yield and quality of crops in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine", specialty 06.01.04 - agrochemistry, 1985.
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: Agrochemistry, Plant nutrition, Technological agricultural service for Lands use in agriculture.
Research interests: intensive technologies of growing agricultural crops.
Registration in scientometric databases:
Google scholar Scopus

PhD of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Ilya Y. Marchuk
Тел.: 527-88-17
Higher education: Ukrainian Agricultural Academy of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - scientist agronomist, 1974
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Influence of fertilizer application in grain-beet crop rotation on the agrochemical properties of meadow-chernozem carbonate soil, yield and technological qualities of sugar beet", specialty 06.01.04 - agrochemistry, 1981
Disciplines for which he is responsible: Agrochemistry, Management of biological value of crop production, Fertilizers systems for crops.
Research interests: diagnostics of nutrition and fertilization strategies of agricultural crops.
Registration in scientometric databases:

PhD of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Natalia A. Pasichnyk
Тел.: 527-88-17
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Higher education: National Agrarian University, specialty - agroecology, qualification - scientist agronomist, 1998.
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "The effectiveness of the use of carbon-ammonium phosphate ("Tekos-3") in the cultivation of table carrots on dark gray podzolic soils of the Northern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine", specialty 06.01.04 - agrochemistry, 2002.
Disciplines for which she is responsible: Plant nutrition, Soil science with the basics of agrochemistry (basics of agrochemistry), Remote monitoring of agrophytocenoses, Software solutions in agrochemical service, Digitization of agrochemical service, Information technologies in plant nutrition
Research interests: plant nutrition and fertilization of agricultural crops, systems of remote sensing of the state of crops.
Registration in scientometric databases:
Google scholar Scopus Web of Science ResearcherID
ORCID 0000-0002-2120-1552

PhD of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Oleg V. Hryshchenko
Тел.: 527-88-17
Higher education: Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - scientist agronomist, 2004
The topic of the candidate's thesis: Agrochemical assessment of long-term use of fertilizers and rhizohumin in the cultivation of peas in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine, specialty 01.06.04 - agrochemistry, 2008
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching: Agrochemistry, Differentiated application of fertilizers, System of application of special agrochemical products, Differentiated application of agrochemical resources, SMART management of plant nutrition.
Field of scientific interests: optimization of nutrition and fertilization of leguminous crops.
Registration in scientometric databases:
Google scholar Scopus

PhD of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Nadia P. Bordyuzha
Тел.: 527-87-83
Higher education: National Agrarian University, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - academic agronomist, 2005
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "Optimization of nutrition and fertilization of the winter wheat on the meadow-chernozem carbonate soil in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine", specialty 01.06.04 - agrochemistry, 2009
Disciplines for which she is responsible for teaching: Agrochemistry, Control functional value of crop products, Soil science and agrochemistry (basic of agrochemistry), Technological management of crop product quality, Physiology and diagnostics of plant nutrition.
Research interests: quality management of crop production, innovative methods of nutrition diagnostics and agrochemical supply of agricultural plants.
Registration in scientometric databases:
Google scholar Scopus Web of Science ResearcherID
ORCID 0000-0002-5482-2160

PhD of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Olena A. Litvinova
Тел.: 527-88-17
Higher education: National Agrarian University, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - academic agronomist, 2000
The topic of the candidate's thesis: "The influence of long-term use of fertilizers on the fertility of gray forest soil and the productivity of grain-row crop rotation", specialty 01.06.04 - agrochemistry, 2007
Disciplines for which she is responsible for teaching: Management of the biological value for crop production, Agrochemistry, Technological agricultural service for Lands use in agriculture.
Field of scientific interests: optimization of plant mineral nutrition under the latest fertilization systems, soil fertility management, soil biological activity
Registration in scientometric databases:
Google scholar Scopus Web of Science ResearcherID
ORCID 0000-0002-0962-8406

PhD of agricultural sciences, Assistant
Ihor P. Bordiuzha
Higher education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, 2013
PhD dissertation topic: "Optimization of nutrition of table potatoes for cultivation on dark gray podzolic soil in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine", specialty 06.01.04 - agrochemistry, 2019
Disciplines for which he is responsible: Drones in agronomy, Unmanned spraying of plants and tank mixtures.
Sphere of scientific interests: improvement of methods of agrochemical laboratory research, technology of application of unmanned technologies in agrochemical service.
Registration in scientometric databases:
Google Scolar Scopus
ORCID - 0000-0002-5942-5877

Philosophy Doctor (Ph.D.) in Agronomy, head of the laboratory, Assistant
Timur V. Panchuk
Тел.: 527-88-17
Higher education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, specialty - agronomy, 2019
PhD dissertation topic: Optimization of feeding conditions for table potatoes with localized fertilization
Disciplines for which he is responsible: agrochemistry.
Sphere of scientific interests: optimization of plant nutrition, development and improvement of agrochemical and laboratory research methods, use of drones in agronomy, precision agriculture.
Registration in scientometric databases:
Google Scolar Scopus ResearchGate
ORCID - 0000-0003-2629-142

head of the laboratory
Lyubov D. Melnichuk
Тел.: 527-67-63
Higher education: National Agrarian University, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - academic agronomist, 1995

Engineer of the first category
Yevhenia V. Bolva
Тел.: 527-87-63
Higher education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, specialty - agronomy, 2018

Master of apprenticeship
Natalia L. Yuschenko
Тел.: 527-67-63
Higher education: National Agrarian University, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - scientist agronomist, 2001

Senior Laboratory Technician
Tetiana B. Kotenko
Тел.: 527-87-63
Higher education: Chisinau Agricultural Institute named in honor of M.V. Frunze, specialty - agronomy, 1985

Laboratory technician
Alla P. Martynenko
Тел.: 527-87-63
Higher education: National Agrarian University, specialty - agrochemistry and soil science, qualification - scientist agronomist, 2002