Адреса: 03041, Kyiv, str. Heroes Oborony, 13, building № 4, r. 72.
Тел.: (044) 527-81-95

Head of the Department:
Due to the relevance of training and ecological nature of the Faculty of Ecology and Biotechnology at NAU by order of the Rector DO Melnychuk (№ 303 of 15.06.2004) and on the initiative of the candidate of agricultural sciences, professor Ridey NM created the Department of Ecology agrosphere that it also led to 2006
Subsequently, by order № 557 of 20.08.2004-K, its name changed to Agrosphere Ecology and environmental control. The current Department established the Department of agroecology, the founder of which, for the first time in Ukraine and NAU became academician, Agrarian Sciences, Agricultural Sciences professor Sozinov Alexei - a scientist with a broad scientific outlook, author of fundamental research on genetics and breeding of cultivated plants, biotechnology and Agroecology, world expert on the quality of grain, he created a scientific school of general biochemical and molecular genetics of plants. OO Sozinov - inventions author, co-author of varieties of winter wheat, spring barley, alfalfa, soybeans. He has over 600 scientific works, including monographs, one of which won awards VJ St. George's Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Among the founders of the Department of Agroecology known scientists - professors Bilyavskaya George A., Burda Raisa. Scientific, organizational, educational and social activities Burda RI highly appreciated by the scientific community. She is a laureate of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named MG Cold for a series of works "Vegetation and flora of southern Ukraine and anthropogenic transformation" in 1994, its research and development and practical implementation of the award-winning repeatedly ENEA USSR - Gold (1984) and bronze (1977, 1986) medals awarded Diploma of the Presidium NASU, Diploma of the Presidium UAAS, she participated in international research projects (ILDIS ,1994-1996, BSP in Ukraine, 1996-1998, BINU, 2003-2005, etc.).