Department of Ecobiotechnology and Biodiversity

Scientific work

At the department prepared and defended at the field of "biotechnology" Dr. V.G.Spiridonova and 7 PhD. (Yu.V.Kolomiets, I. Antipov, V.V.Overchenko, A.A.Klyuvadenko, N.P.Dem Demyanchuk, O.O.Suray, N.B.Novak). At the department are actively preparing post-graduate students.
Lecturers of department prepared and published two textbooks in plant biotechnology, scientific monographs, numerous scientific and practical guidelines, laboratory courses, etc.. Textbook "Plant biotechnology" (M.D.Melnichuk, T.V.Novak, Kunakh V.A.) awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology in 2005.
Members of the department, headed by prof. M. Melnychuk perform basic and applied researches and developments in scientific subjects "Molecular genetic techniques and development of DNA-diagnostic tools and technologies for the agricultural plants products quality improvment", "Development of biotechnology cloning and in vitro cultivation of energy and landscaping crops using alternative energetics and municipal landscaping".
The main objective of research are the latest fundamental and applied issues of biotechnology, ecology and environmental protection of biodiversity, structure and function of phyto-and micoviruses, diagnosis, identification and prevention of the plants infection, development of efficient technologies for recovery, cloning in vitro agronomic lines and varieties for agricultural, energy, municipal and decorative purposes; conducting  systematic investigation of the growth processes and development of cultivated and wild plant species, studing patterns of structural and functional transformation under the influence of stress factors, abiotic and biotic nature, examination the role of β-(1 → 3) glucan in the formation of morphological gene zones of callus tissue in vitro; investigation the value of particular polysaccharide in the implementation of non-specific defense responses of plants to pathogens, the legal framework and regulation of environmental policy in Ukraine, creation and usage of bio-transgenic and genetically modified organisms (GMO), and the usage of nanobiotechnology in agriculture, the development and implementation of life quality standards.
Culture in vitro and adapted plant-regenerants of raspberry (cultivar "Brusv'yana")
Influence of iron nanoaquachelate on the content of phenolic compounds and its autofluorescence in raspberry leaves in vitro culture
The deposition of callose (green fluorescence), cell differentiation and formation merystematic zones (red fluorescence) in callus tissues of the next sugar beet varieties: Katyusha - (A, B); Uladovo-Verhniatskiy MS 37 - (C); Bilotserkivskiy MS 57 - (D) lignification of cell walls and formation of morphogenic zones: I - Zone of undifferentiated callus cells; II - zone of lignificated cells; III - meristematic zone; IV - zone of cells degradation; aniline blue staining (1: 10000)
Identification of bean common mosaic virus and virus inclusions in seed rudiments of Phaseolus vulgaris
M.D. Melnychuk, I.P. Grygoryuk, T.V. Novak, O.L. Klyachenko, Yu.V. Kolomyjec, V.G. Spiridonov, A.A. Klyuvadenko, I.A. Antipov, V.V. Overchenko, R.V. Oblap, N.B. Novak. Plant biotechnology: laboratory manual. – K.: Agrar Media Group, 2011. – 215 p.
The study guide highlights the most informative methods and techniques of biotechnology work with cultivated plants. Methods of on vitro culture, microclonal propagation, callus cultures obtaining, plants regeneration and adaptation in vivo and modern technologies of genetic engineering are presented. The possibilities and advantages of fundamental and applied biotechnology research practical results usage in the manufacture are showed.
For researchers, teachers, graduate students and masters of biological and agricultural universities that specialize in biotechnology, molecular biology, genetics and physiology.

Klyachenko O.L., Sytnik I.D., Halchynsky D.C., Winter and spring oilseed rape. Biology. Selection. Biotechnology. Monograph. - K. Fitosotsiotsentr, 2012. - 236 p.
The book summarizes the literature data and the results of writers’ research, which are devoted to the study of biological, genetic, physiological and biochemical characteristics of rape. The issue of genetic mechanisms of some morphological and quality traits inheritance, breeding techniques, the usage of biotechnology techniques for the creation of original breeding material are reviewed. The characteristic of a new rapeseed varieties and economically feasible technology of its cultivation are characterized. For breeders, geneticists, plant physiologists, students, agricultural specialists
Klyachenko O.L., Yu.V.Kolomiets. Sugar beets: biology, physiology, and biotechnology. - Kherson: SP Grin DS, 2013. - 259 p.
In this monograph the current state of the issue about biological, anatomical and physiological sugar beets’ (Beta vulgaris L.) characteristics and traditional methods of single-seeded heterosis hybrids with usage of CMS creation is discussed. Characteristics of physiological, biochemical, structural and molecular factors related to productivity and heterosis displaying is given. A lot of attention given to the usage of biotechnological methods in selectional process, based on achievements in cellular and molecular biology and genetic engineering, which are represent a complex of methods, which provides directional change of organisms’ hereditary characteristics by the direct genes transfer, determining a particular characteristic or influence on them with various factors.
For breeders, geneticists, plant physiologists, students, agricultural specialists


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