Department of Culturology

Сultural and educational activities

           One of the main tasks of the department of cultural studies is the formation of a morally and spiritually perfect personality, therefore aesthetic, moral and civic education is an important layer of its cultural and educational activity.

          The importance of this activity lies in the fact that youth education is closely related to the culture of the Ukrainian people: on the one hand, it reflects the heritage of culture, and on the other, it stimulates its further development, actively influences the creation of new spiritual values, artistic works.Employees of the department strive to do as much as possible to educate students' sense of beauty, to develop skills and abilities to create beauty in everyday life, to develop the ability to live according to the laws of spiritual beauty, to widely involve students in amateur artistic circles, their participation in art competitions and Olympiads;to create aesthetic comfort at NUBiP and to form high aesthetic and spiritual culture among students and teachers;for addressing national traditions and rituals in educational work with young people, fostering respect for the past, promoting young people's awareness of themselves as full-fledged citizens, participants in the state-building process.The teachers chose the words of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi as the motto of this activity: "Beauty is a powerful means of educating the sensitivity of the soul.This is the peak from which you can see what you would never see without understanding and a sense of beauty, without admiration and inspiration.Beauty is a bright light that illuminates the world.With this light, the truth, truth, goodness is revealed to you;illuminated by this light, you become devoted and uncompromising.Beauty teaches to recognize evil and fight against it.I would call beauty gymnastics of the soul - it corrects our spirit, our conscience, our feelings and beliefs.Beauty is a mirror in which you see yourself and, thanks to it, you treat yourself one way or another."
          Еvery academic year at the university opens with a large-scale solemn dedication of first-year students to students - the "Knowledge Day" holiday, at which, in addition to scientific and pedagogical workers, students and their parents, graduates of the university from previous years, honored guests, outstanding personalities of today, famous scientists, successful businessmen are present-agriculturists, representatives of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Kyiv City State Administration.On this day, foreign guests come to the university, the number of whom is increasing every year, which indicates the growth of the international image of NUBiP of Ukraine.The department takes the most active part in such a celebration.
          Students are also enthusiastic about the "Beauty of NUBiP" festival, in which in recent years, in addition to girls, young men from all faculties participate, so it has turned from a beauty festival into a beauty and courage festival.
          One of the largest festivals organized by the department for more than thirty years is the festival of artistic creativity "Holosiivska Vesna", which comes to NUBiP with the first rays of the spring sun.Talented youth of all regional divisions demonstrate their performing skills in various genres.Foreign guests have been participating in the festival for several years in a row, so the festival has acquired an international status.So, this year, in addition to Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia and even France were represented at the festival.
          Every year, the teams of the cultural studies department become prize-winners and diploma winners in various nominations of the highly rated and popular all-Ukrainian amateur artistic competition among agricultural educational institutions "Sofia Dawns".
          Places in the hall must always be "reserved" for the premieres of theatrical performances of the "Berezil" People's Theater: fellow students, teachers, and university support staff admire the talent of amateurs.
          Creative reports of collectives or evenings held to commemorate outstanding personalities or significant dates in Ukrainian history are always popular and informative.
          The staff of the department are constant participants of university presentations at All-Ukrainian and international conferences, exhibitions of agricultural science achievements, Youth Days, Kyiv Days, Student Days at the university and beyond.Evenings of sports glory, requiem rallies for Victory Day, and celebrations of Mother's Day, Women's Day, and Graduation Day of young professionals cannot be done without them.
          However, not only mass events make up the arsenal of educational work of the department: the lecture "Simply about the complex", evenings of meetings of graduates of collectives, presentations of new literature, excursions and cultural expeditions, self-education schools, charity events in Children's Homes, schools, the House of Stage Veterans and much more becomeconfirmation of Lina Kostenko's words: "Give a person a little of yourself.For this, the soul is filled with light."

The list of culturological organizations, creative studios and collectives of the department of cultural studies:

  • Stanislav Semenovskyi folk ensemble of song and dance "Colossus";
  • People's Student Theater "Berezil";
  • folk male vocal ensemble "Amero";
  • folk female vocal ensemble "Octava";
  • folk studio of pop singing "Voitvois";
  • studio of academic, pop and jazz solo singing;
  • art studio "Seven Steps";
  • pop singing studio "Solospiv";
  • ballroom dance studio "Charism";
  • choreographic ensemble "Constellation of Ritsiv";
  • the "Art of serving" circle;
  • club of theater lovers "Melpomena";
  • art studio "Holosiivska Palette";
  • circle "Decorative floristry";
  • "Ideal" press studio.


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