
Head of Department
Vlasenko Tetiana O.
Тел.: 044 527-80-81
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
PhD (Economics), As. Professor
Education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, specialty “Finances”, qualification “economist in finance” (2001)
The PhD thesis topic: “The economic effectiveness of the enterprises of the intensive poultry farming” specialty “Economics and management of enterprises” (according to the types of economic activities)” (2016)
Scientific interests: effectiveness of the enterprises’ activities
The qualification rising:
"Pedagogical mastering of teaching in English for teachers of the Education and science institute of business", National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2013)
"The owners of private village and farmer economies which offer the green tourism services", National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2014)
Seminar "International Cambridge exams – the Challenges of today" at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2016р.)
Seminar "Developing your listening skills for Cambridge English: First. – Ten Easy Ways to build Exam Confidence" at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2016)
Google Scholar: h - index - 1, the total quantity of citations - 1
Scopus Author ID:

Shynkaruk Lidiia V.
Тел.: (044) 527-80-80
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Doctor in Economics, professor, associate member of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine
Education: Lviv University for Economy and Trade, specialty “Commodity Science and organizing of the food commodities trade”, qualification “Commodity Science specialist of the highest qualification”
The PhD thesis topic: “The foreign investment and their role in the formation and development of the economy (regional aspect)” specialty “Economics” (2000)
The Doctoral thesis topic: “Accumulating of the fixed capital and trend of its reproduction in the economy of Ukraine”, specialty “ Economics and the economic science history” (2007)
The academic ranks:
Associate Professor of the department for economics and management (2002)
Professor, specialty “Economics and National economy administration” (2012)
Associate member of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine, specialty “Economics of Industry” (2012)
Scientific interests: economic growth and structural changes in economy, macroeconomic modeling, models of total and partial equilibrium, interior sectoral balance, macroeconomic predicting, investment climate, structural policy, foreign economic activities, analysis of integral connections, sectoral perspectives of the national economy modernization, strategic planning, international projects management.
Academic achievements: development of the scientific school in the sphere of macroeconomics (economic growth, structural changes in economy) and predictions (structural changes in the national economy considering the main external influence factors), studying of the actual economy problems in the context of forming of the effective structure of both real sector and the whole economy, determining of the peculiarities of the structural transformations of the national economy and working out of the methodological approaches to the predicting of the structural changes in the economy of Ukraine considering the main factors of the influence of the macroeconomic pace and proportions of the international economy as well as the effects of participating in the integral processes in the long term and medium term perspective.
Preparation of the scientific and research personnel: 5 Philosophy Doctors and 1 Doctor in economics
Participation in Specialized Academic Councils:
Д 26.004.01 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
К 76.051.12 Chernivtsy national university named after Y. Fed’kovych
Participation in editorial boards and editorial councils:
Specialized edition of Ukraine “Economy and predictions”, “Economics”, “Economy and management of culture”, “Problems of economy and economics”, “International Scientific Journal”, Scientific on-line journal “Management and Sustainable development” (The head of editorial commission)
Cooperation with the public administration authorities:
The member of the government working groups on the reorienting of the scientific and scientific and technical potential of the country concerning the providing the concrete needs of the national economy development, measures of the industrial policy in terms of the current globalization processes and their influence on the future development of the national economy, analyzing of the consequences of the integral processes for the economy.
The member of working group at the Comity of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)
The qualification rising:
1. Seminar-practicum “The new changes of the legal basis of carrying out of the Government procurements”
2. Training of the Central European Academy of Studying and Certification ((CEASC), of the Academic Incubator of the entrepreneurship (AIP), of The Network of the places of the European Information Direct, of The higher school for informatics(WSInf) (Bigdosh, Polland), “The Projects writing. EU funds” (Lviv, 2015)
3 The Higher school of informatics and art, Post diploma education “Manager of European projects in the financial perspective 2014-2020” (2015-2016)
4. The Rising education courses for the scientific and pedagogical staff of the agrarian higher education institutions of the IV level of accreditation on the topic “Innovations in Education” at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2016)
5. Seminar «International Cambridge exams – the Challenges of today» at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2016р.)
6. Seminar «Developing your listening skills for Cambridge English: First. – Ten Easy Ways to build Exam Confidence» at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2016)
L. Shynkaruk was rewarded with the Princess Olga Order of the III degree (2013)
Google Scholar: h-index - 11, the total quantity of citations- 340
Scopus Author ID:

Dielini Maryna M.
Тел.: (044) 527-80-81
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Doctor of Economics, professor
Education: Donetsk State University of Management, specialty "Foreign Economic Activity Management", qualification - Master in Foreign Economic Activity Management (2004)
PhD Thesis topic: "Mechanisms of development of social protection of the population of Ukraine", specialty "Demography, labor economy, social economy and politics" (2010)
Doctoral thesis topic: “Transformation of institutional principles of formation of the mechanism of socio-economic responsibility of entrepreneurship in the national economy”, specialty “Economics and management of the national economy” (2018)
Academic rank:
Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity Management (2014),
Professor of the Department of Production and Investment Management (2022).
Academic achievements: Scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine scholarship for young scientists for the period - November 1, 2022 - August 31, 2023
Participation in editorial boards:
Specialized edition of Ukraine - scientific journal «Economics and Business Management».
Foreign edition – «Project approach in didactic activities of educational institutions - international dimension» (Poland)
Research interests: social protection of the population, socio-economic responsibility of entrepreneurship, social investments, EU economy, environmental management, sustainable development
Participation in Specialized Academic Councils: Д 26.004.01 National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Participation in international scientific and educational projects:
1. Jean Monnet Chair «Social and Cultural Aspects of European Studies» (SCAES) - 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR (2020-2023), project member.
2. Jean Monnet Project «European Values of Diversity and Inclusion for Sustainable Development» Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project (EVDISD) 620545-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-PROJECT (2020-2021), project member.
3. Jean Monnet Center of Excellence «European Studies of Social Innovations in Education» (ESSIE) - 101085552 - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-COE (2022-2025), project member.
4. Jean Monnet Module «EU Practices of Social and Economic Inclusion» 101127466 — EPSEI — ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH (2023-2026), project member
The qualification rising:
Course «MS Excel: Business Analysis and Forecasting» (2019)
Course «MS Excel Advanced: Advanced Tools» (2020)
Cycle of webinars «Facilitating Tools for Conducting Effective Online Training Events» (2020)
Online course «Current Requirements for the Preparation and Publication of Scientific Papers on Agrarian Policy and Economics», project «German-Ukrainian Agropolitical Dialogue» (2021)
Online forum «Innovations in Education, Business, IT and Culture: Worldview and Practical Cases» (2021).
Online study visit. University of Genoa/ (UNIGE), Italy, 4-8 May 2021.
International Autumn School «Modeling, Data Analysis and Digital Technologies in Economic Research» (2023).
VI Winter School «EU Social and Cohesion Policy: Policy-Making and Implementation» (2024).
Winter Economic School «Ukraine-EU, Steps Towards Joining: Regional Dimension» (2024).
Winter School «The Women’s leadership». University of Reading, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences. (2024)
International internship:
- Internship «Modern University - a project approach to organizing work in accordance with the provisions of the European Qualifications Framework», Lodz, Poland (2015)
- Internship «Foreign Experience in the Era of Digital Education» at the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technology, February-March 2021, Certificate: 2.5.-15/60.
- International Internship «Multidisciplinary Approaches in Education and Research», Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technology, October 5 - November 4, 2022. Certificate No. 2.5.-15/95
- Foundation Knowledge and Education for Agribusiness (Warsaw, Poland). Internship program «SCIENTIFIC PROJECT PROPOSAL WRITING COURSE», 120 hours, 4 ECTS Certificate no. from 08.12.2023
Google Scholar: h-index - 10, total citations of scientific publications - 483
Scopus Author ID: h-index – 4, total quantity of citations – 128
Web of Sciences: h-index – 4, total quantity of citations – 53

Popova Olha L.
Тел.: 044 527-80-81
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Education: Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, specialty "Economics and Organization of Agriculture", qualification "economist-organizer of agricultural production" (1983).
Theme of the PhD thesis: "Cooperation of the personal auxiliary economy with public production of agrarian and industrial complex" (1989).
Theme of doctoral thesis: “Economic mechanism of sustainable development of agrarian sphere», specialty “Economy and management of national economy” (2009).
Academic status:
Professor, Department of Economy of Enterprise (2015)
Research interests: economics, ecology, sustainable development, agrarian and rural development
Google Scholar: h-index - 11, total citations of scientific publications - 504

Associate Professor
Anna V. Dergach
Тел.: 044 527-80-81
Електронна пошта: [email protected] [email protected]
PhD in Public Administration
Education: Ukrainian Institute for Stock Market Development of KNEU named after V. Getman, specialty "Finance", qualification Master's degree in Financial Market (2004);
National Academy of Public Administration guided by the President of Ukraine, specialty “Public Administration”, Master’s degree in Public Administration (2013)
Topic of the PhD thesis: "Mechanisms of public management of migration processes in Ukraine", specialty "Mechanisms of Public Management " (2018)
Research interests: public administration, economic policy analysis, mechanisms of economic regulating, in particular in the area of population and capital migration

Associate Professor
Alekseieva Kateryna A.
Тел.: +38 099 136-60-19
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
PhD (Public Administration)
Kyiv National Linguistic University, specialty “Management of organization”, qualification “manager-economist with English and German possessing” (2005);
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, specialty “Language and literature” (English), qualification “Teacher of the English language and World literature” (2017)
The PhD thesis topic: “State innovative policy in conditions of the socially oriented market economy”, specialty “Mechanisms of state government” (2009)
Scientific interests: public administration, state regulating of economy, crisis management, preventing of forming and development of the economic and social crises
The qualification rising:
«Training program for the scientific and pedagogical staff», Mendel University, Czech Republic (2017 р.)
Google Scholar: h-індекс - 6, the total quantity of citations - 25

Associate Professor
Lobunets Tetiana V.
Тел.: +38 097 440-50-01
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
PhD (Economics)
Education: National agrarian University, specialty “Accounting and Audit”, qualification “economist-accountant” (2002)
The PhD thesis topic: “The regulators and leverages of the investment process in the corporate sector on Ukraine” specialty “Economics and National economy administration” (2013)
Scientific interests: state regulating of the investment process, project management, finance administration, business administration
The qualification rising:
Academic community named after M. Baludiansky, Krakiv (Polland) – Koshice (Slovakia) (2015)
“The school of effective management: advocacy”, Institute for policy and management, Kyiv (2015 – 2016)

Associate Professor
Vitaliy P. Gavriluk
Тел.: 097 960-69-64
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Education: Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Vinnytsia State Agrarian University, Master's Degree in Accounting and Auditing (2005)
Thesis topic: "Formation and distribution of income of enterprises with seasonal nature of production: accounting and analytical aspect", specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit (by type of economic activity)" (2009).
Academic rank: Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory (2015)
Scientific interests: socio-economic processes in economics, commercialization of scientific research
Google Scholar: h-index - 1, total citation in scientific publications - 3
Web of Science ID: Q-6653-2017

As. Professor
Sverdan Mikhail M.
Тел.: 044 527-80-81
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Education: Chernivtsi State University, specialty "Finance and Credit", qualification "economist" (1997).
PhD thesis topic: "Profitability of Joint Stock Companies", specialty "Finance, Money Circulation and Credit" (2002).
Academic status: Associate Professor of Finance, Accounting and Auditing (2015)
Scientific interests: public finance, taxation, public credit and public debt
Google Scholar: h-index - 6, total citation in scientific publications - 94

Associate Professor
Alla V. Sukhanova
Тел.: (044) 527-80-81
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor
Education: State Tax Service Academy of Ukraine, specialty "Economy of Enterprise ", qualification "economist" (2003)
Topic of the PhD thesis: “Mechanisms of formation of competitive advantages of economy of regions”, specialty “Development of productive forces and regional economy” (2016)
Scientific interests: development of small business in Ukraine, investment activity of enterprises, financial planning, financing of investment projects, controlling
Google Scholar:
h-index - 2, i10 - index - 1, total number of citations of scientific publications - 183

Associate Professor
Artiukh Tatiana О.
Тел.: 050-356-49-34
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Phd in Economic, Associate Professor
Education: National Agrarian University, specialty "Management of organizations" (2001)
Dissertation topic: "Marketing support of activities of enterprises - producers of vegetable products", specialty "Economics and management of enterprises (by type of economic activity)" (2010)
Academic rank: Associate Professor of the Department of Management (2021)
Advanced training:
- NUBIP of Ukraine, NSC "Institute of Agrarian Economics", Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Leibniz under the program "Analysis of household demand and applied welfare analysis" (2015);
- NUBIP of Ukraine, Institute of Postgraduate Education under the educational and thematic program "Innovative orientation of pedagogical activity" (2016);
- NUBIP of Ukraine, Ministry of Postgraduate Education under the educational and thematic program "Business and professional English language and methods of teaching English" (2016);
- NSC "Institute of Agrarian Economics" of the NATIONAL Academy of Sciences of Ukraine under the program of professional development on agricultural economics (2017);
- Study Academy, Advance English course (2020);
- scientific internship at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Warsaw, Poland) 2017;
- scientific internship in the Open World (Leadership in Agriculture) program (Washington, USA) 2019;
- scientific distance internship in the field of "Management, Economics and Finance" at the University of Mykolas Romeris (Vilnius, Lithuania) from 2020
Scientific interests: project management, social management, startup.

Associate Professor
Orekhivskyi Victor G.
Тел.: +38 096 369-65-05
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Orekhivskyi Victor G.
PhD (Economics), As. Professor
Education: National agrarian University, specialty “Agrarian management” (foreign activities), qualification “manager-economist” (1996)
The PhD thesis topic: “Marketing transformation of the corn market of Ukraine”, specialty ”Entrepreneurship, management and marketing” (2002)
The academic rank: Associate professor of the management department (2006)
Scientific interests: management, personnel management, logistics (specialization – corn market)
The qualification rising: Program Tempus-Tacis: Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany; Ghent University, Belgium (09-12.2001р.)
Grant for research from The Belgium Government: Ghent University (01-12.2003р.)
Faculty Exchange Program 2014, USDA (07-12.2014р.)
Seminar «Developing your listening skills for Cambridge English: First. – Ten Easy Ways to build Exam Confidence» at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2016)
h-index - 2, the total quantity of citations - 8
Google Scholar:

Darya I. Kendus
Тел.: +38 (093) 04-62-269
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Master's Degree in Administrative Management
Since 2017 has been involved into the post-graduate course of full-time studying in the specialty 073 "Management"

Maria S. Golieva
Тел.: 063 607-95-92
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, specialty "Economy of Enterprise", qualification of economist (2018)

Senior laboratory assistant
Valeriia A. Bernatska
Тел.: 095 453-83-04
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, specialty "Management"