Адреса: 03041, Ukraine, Kyiv, str. Henerala Rodimtseva 2, the first educational building 1a (Botanical garden NUBiP of Ukraine)
Тел.: +38(044) 527-85-18
Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of Department:
Yurii M. Marchuk
Associate Professor, Candidate of agricultural sciences
Department originates from Novo-Alexandria Institute (Pulavy, Poland), where from 1889 to 1892 dendrology course was read by Vintsent Chmielewski, and from 1903 to 1914 by Professor S.Z. Kurdiani.
In period from 1914 to 1930 study and research work of department was headed by Professor G.M. Vusockii, research works in dendrology was managed by professor V.M. Andreev.
In 1930 V. Andreev together with forestry faculty moved to Kyiv and here here in the Forestry Institute of Dendrology was found the department of Dendrology. From 1936 of March to 1945 the department was run by professor N. Konovalov.
In the postwar years (1945-1962) The Department was headed by the member of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Professor V. Povarnitsyn.
Staff of Botany, Dendrology and Forest Tree Breeding Department (2019 year)