International activity
The international activity of Department is aimed at adjusting of collaboration with educational, scientific, industrial institutions to exchange experiences and knowledge in the field of forest crops, forest and ornamental Nursery, forest Melioration and agroforestry and the involvement of international grants for implementation of joint research.
In the framework of the international activity students of the Department Kateryna Tosenko and Kateryna Korolevska led by assistant Ganna Lobchenko took part in the forestry students Northern Europe Regional Meeting in 2016 (NERM'16) under the auspices of the LC «Šalkone» International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA) at Latvian Agricultural University. Representatives of 11 countries - Italy, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Finland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Ukraine and the host country, attended the event. With special interest participants got acquainted with the largest in the Baltic forestry nursery «Strenči» and arboretum «Kalsnavas», as research center Latvian State Forest Research Institute «Silava». With the last is planned to establish scientific cooperation.
Professor of the Department Vasyl Yukhnovskyi made a presentation at the Second International Summer School "Achievements and Applications of Environmental and Life Sciences for Sustainable Development", organized by our university in cooperation with the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Poland. Ideas agroforestry development in Ukraine highlighted in the lectures of professor on "Ecological land use in the context of agroforestry" made interested foreign colleagues and caused many questions. Nowadays the NGO “Ukrainian Agroforestry Association" headed by Vasyl Yukhnovsky is joined to European Agroforestry Federation.
Assistant of the Department G. Lobchenko participated with a presentation on forestry and agroforestry in Ukraine in the International Forestry Students' Symposium (IFSS) -2016, organized by local committees LC BOKU Vienna and IFSA LC Freising from Munich » International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA), which took place in Austria and Bavaria.
Among number of sites that visited participants within 16 days of the symposium, significant interest was aroused by nursery "LIECO", that is engaged in growing of container seedlings crops for forestry purposes; Communal forests BergweltTirol with their organization of tourism and water protection; to see firsthand the implementation of the project on arrangement of hydraulic structures and had the opportunity to discuss the future of the world's forests with representatives of IUFRO.
The department cooperates with Institute of Forest National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Arkhangelsk State Technical University, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (Pulawy, Poland) and the Bureau of Forestry seed Poland. With the help of the Bureau Director Richard Dzyaluka Department prepared a number of new standards and ISO for forest plantations.