Separated Subdivision NULESU «Crimean Technical College of Hydromelioration and Mechanization of Agriculture»

Адреса: 97200, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, v. Sovetskiy street of Zoya Kosmodemyankaya1.

Тел.: (06551) 9-14-38, 9-13-41

Електронна пошта: [email protected]


Rohozenko V.V.



Technical school was created in decision of the Folk commissariat of field-crop cultivation in 1929 year in the village of Okrech о to the district of Feodesiya with the purpose of preparation of mechanics for north - east part of Crimea. The necessity of formation of  technical school  for north-eastern part of Crimea was dictated by a requirement in specialists, mainly in agriculturists and mechanics.

The first director of technical school  was Е.І.Fisher. An agronomical separation in technical school  was opened  in 1933р.

In connection with the set building of the North-Crimean channel in decision of Ministry of state farms of the USSR in 1951 year in technical school  the separation of water conservation was open for preparation of specialists of  technical-hydrotechnic for building and exploitation of hydrotechnical building. For period of 1954-1976 years in techinical school 4 dormitories are built for students, two educational corps, sporting hall, stadium.

In 1992 years, responding to the dictate of time, in decision of Ukrainian Agricultural Production there was opened speciality "technician-organizer of logistical support and sale", which was then transformed in speciality "technician-organizer of commercial activity". Basic a purpose and tasks in industry of educational, professional, productive activity is:

  • Preparation of technician-hidrotechnic is for professional activity in the sphere of planning, building, exploitation of reclamative and plumbings objects of the state and collective setting, in establishments regional, project - building and operating associations for land-reclamations and aquatic economy, in PMK, BMU, UZS on their areas.
  • Preparation of land surveyors for realization of professional activity in the sphere of organization of the use of land, landed cadastre and project - searching works, objects of the state private and collective setting.
  • Preparation of organizers of commercial activity for professional activity in the systems agricultural Production on positions of basilar managerial staff and enterprise marketing in the sphere of realization of products and services, in a sphere materially- hardware.
  • Preparation of technicians - mechanics for professional activity in industry of mechanization of production, processes in rase of seed, stock-raising, subsidiary enterprises technical service and repair cars and tractors park and his storage.

In connection with the decision of Government of Ukraine about transformation of collective farms and state farms and expected landed reform in 1993 years there was open speciality land "technician-surveyor".

According to a decision POPPY from May, 20, 1993 (protocol №is 4 colleges of Department of education of Ukraine from 23.06.1993 year) Crimean technical school  of water conservation and mechanization of agriculture was taken to A - level and took title to prepare specialists after such directions of educationally-qualifying level of junior specialist after specialities:

  1. 5.08010102 "Land administration"
  2. 5.06010302 "Construction, maintenance and repair of  hydromelioration buildings"
  3. 5.10010201 "Exploitation and repair of machinery and equipment for agroindustrial production"
  4. 5.03050702 "Commercial activity"

Techical school consists of 3 separations: conducts mechanizations of agriculture (preparation after specialities: "mechanization of agriculture", "commercial activity"; conducts preparation water conservation (after specialities: "building, service and repair of hydromeliorative building" and "organization") of the use of land, in absentia separation.

10 cyclic commissions, methodical advices and associations, pedagogical advice and weekly conferences, work in educational establishment.

Educational - an educator process at level at the level of state standards of quality of education is provided by 56 teachers. In their number Deserved teacher of Ukraine Martynova Valentyna Anatolii, Honoured teacher of the National agrarian university Strucova Antonina Ivanovna, Deserved worker NUBiP Ukraine – Kormochi Maryna Ihor, a teacher methodist of Frolov Vjyatsheslav Mykhajlo, 5 persons which have a rank the "Senior teacher", 27 - higher category, category first - 23,category second - 4, qualification a "specialist" - 7 teachers, 6 teachers have a pedagogical rank "senior teacher" and one teacher- methodist".

 In technical school the proper terms are created for development of students. The students of technical school are provided with a state grant.

Technical school has a library the general book fund of which folds 50000 copies. Every student is provided by literature from disciplines, that he studies. In technical school there are 2 sporting halls, and also trainer hall, ground for volley-ball, basket-ball, track-and-field exercises, rifle shooting-gallery.

For the implementation of the programs from practical studies a productive workshop is equipped, automobile-traktordrame, there is also a necessary amount of agricultural technique.

The methodical work is directed to development of  teacher individuality, increase of effectiveness and quality educational - educator process by introduction of new technologies of studies in credit - module system. For realization of these tasks the conducted development of teaching and methodical complexes,has been worked out,  the methodical providing of independent work of students, worked out scale of rating estimations of teachers is perfected.

Your methodical works  out are prepared for printing in SMS of agrarian education.

The cultural work amond the masses at the technical school is built according to 8 basic directinsthe organizational activities the work with the first-year students with parents patriotic moral and law work  labour ecological physical and others and is directed to the all –round character of the future specialists of agriculture

The graduating students of technical school  work in structural subdivisions of agroindustrial complex of Crimea and Ukraine : Ministry of agriculture of Crimea, at the departments of agriculture of Crimea farms, administrations of the innigatory system and other subdivisions of national economy of Ukraine.

Today's students are creators of new image of Crimea and Ukraine. The first real steps to the receipt of the special education done by them. They entered to technical school , chose the future profession.

Your methodical works  out are prepared for printing in SMS of agrarian education.


The cultural work amond the masses at the technical school is built according to 8 basic directinsthe organizational activities the work with the first-year students with parents patriotic moral and law work  labour ecological physical and others and is directed to the all –round character of the future specialists of agriculture

The graduating students of technical school  work in structural subdivisions of agroindustrial complex of Crimea and Ukraine : Ministry of agriculture of Crimea, at the departments of agriculture of Crimea farms, administrations of the innigatory system and other subdivisions of national economy of Ukraine.

Today's students are creators of new image of Crimea and Ukraine. The first real steps to the receipt of the special education done by them. They entered to technical school , chose the future profession.

Your methodical works  out are prepared for printing in SMS of agrarian education.


The cultural work amond the masses at the technical school is built according to 8 basic directinsthe organizational activities the work with the first-year students with parents patriotic moral and law work  labour ecological physical and others and is directed to the all –round character of the future specialists of agriculture

The graduating students of technical school  work in structural subdivisions of agroindustrial complex of Crimea and Ukraine : Ministry of agriculture of Crimea, at the departments of agriculture of Crimea farms, administrations of the innigatory system and other subdivisions of national economy of Ukraine.

Today's students are creators of new image of Crimea and Ukraine. The first real steps to the receipt of the special education done by them. They entered to technical school , chose the future profession.

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