Department of Banking and Insurance

Адреса: 03041, Kyiv, str. Heroyiv Oborony st, 11, building number 10, room 515

Тел.: (044) 527-88-90

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of Department (a.i.):
Kostiuk Viktoriia Anatoliivna

PhD in Economics, associate professor


     The Department of Banking and Insurance was founded by the decision of the Academic Council of NUBiP of Ukraine on the order of the Rector № 1222 dated July 10, 2018, based on two departments of NUBiP of Ukraine: the Department of Banking and the Department of Fiscal Policy and Insurance. The Department of Banking has its beginnings since 1998. The decision of the Academic Council and the order of the rector of the University on September 5th this department was formed. The Department of Tax and Insurance was created according to the decision of the Academic Council of the University on the order of the rector of October 10, 2000.

     The Department of Banking and Insurance is Heads Khudolyy Lyubov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Excellence in Education of Ukraine, awarded with the Chestnut of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "For Scientific and Educational Achievements" She is a well-known specialist on financial and credit and insurance mechanisms for the functioning of the agrarian sector, financial support agricultural and processing enterprises, bank lending of innovative projects in agro-food production, mechanisms of financing of state ecological programs.

     The main goal of the department is the training of highly skilled competitive specialists in banking institutions, social insurance agencies, insurance, auditing, consulting companies and agribusiness enterprises.

     The main tasks of the department are the organization of educational, scientific-methodical and cultural-educational work on the preparation of bachelors and masters in the specialties "Finance, Banking and Insurance", "Accounting and Taxation", "Manager", "Economic Cybernetics", which would correspond to professional , organizational and human quality standards. For the development of innovative abilities and initiative, strengthening their competitive positions in the labor market, the graduates of the department are involved in the interuniversity Olympiads and in the research work of the department, working in scientific circles.

The main areas of scientific research work of the department are:

  • development of financial and economic mechanism of development of agrarian enterprises of Ukraine;

  • development of the agrarian insurance market in Ukraine;

  • improvement of financing mechanisms for environmental state target programs;

  • problems of bank lending of innovative projects in agro-food production;

  • development of the system of lending to small, medium and large agrarian enterprises.

     8 lecturers work at the department of Banking and Insurance: 1 professors and 7 associate professors.


  The staff of the Department of Banking and Insurance
  First row (left to right): 
laboratory assistant Tolkova L.H., Ph.D. Associate Professor Zharikova O.B., Doctor of Economics, Professor Khudoliy L.M.,  Associate Professor Kostyuk V.A., Ph.D. Associate Professor Mamchur R.M.
Second row: PhD, Associate Professor Muravsky O.A., PhD, Associate Professor Faichuk O.V., PhD, Associate Professor Avramchuk L.A., PhD, Associate Professor Bronin O.V.


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