Адреса: 03041, Kyiv, General Rodimtsev street, 19, Academic building number 1.
Тел.: 096-4189120, 050-0873455 (Head. Department)
Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of Department (в.о.):
Mykola Sakhatsky
Professor,D. Sc.
The objective of the department:
- Provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of basic subjects ("Zoology", "Invertebrate Zoology", "Zoology chord", "General zoology" (in English), "Ontogeny fish", "Water Microbiology", "Mathematical Methods in Biology" "Physiology of Agricultural Animals", "Ecology in animal", "Biology of Animal Productivity", "Modern methods in animal studies, etc.), which further the educational process for training level "Bachelor" and level "Master" on specialties "Water Bio resources", "Technology of production and processing of animal products" based engineering discipline;
- support of educational process to get highly qualified specialists and researchers to work in industrial complexes and the production and processing of livestock products, Including fish farming, in zoos, national parks, hunting, breeding kennels breeding game, exotic and laboratory animals, as well as research institutions involved in the development of comfortable animal welfare considering their biological characteristics, business barns and other modern livestock production;
- scientific research on the development of methodologies for biological expertises technology in livestock, study of biological characteristics, adaptive changes, methods for conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources of wild and domestic animals, including domestic and foreign grants;
- Scientific-methodical, innovation, advisory, educational work and so on.
- Preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies.
- Professor, D.Sc. - 2
- Associate Professor, D.Ph. - 2
- Senior Lecturer, D.Ph.- 1
- Assistant - 1
- Head of educational laboratory -1
- Master of industrial training - 1
- Laboratory assistant of department – 1