Department staff

Head of the department, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor
Mykola O. Malyuk
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
The field of scientific research is the biological properties of stem cells, hemotransfusion.
On his initiative at the department of surgery named after Acad. I.O. Educational and scientific laboratory "Animal Blood Bank" was created by Povazhenka. On the basis of this laboratory, hemotransfusion is performed for small animals with anemia of various genesis.
Published more than 150 scientific works, including scientific and methodological recommendations, invention patents, books, manuals.

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine
Anatolii Y. Mazurkevych
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
The topic of scientific research is aimed at studying the properties of animal stem cells depending on their species, as well as on the conditions of obtaining, cultivating, storing and using them in cell therapy to restore the structure of pathologically changed tissues of the animal body.
The author or co-author of more than 330 printed works, including 17 textbooks, training manuals and monographs, the State Standard of Higher Education in the field of "Veterinary Medicine", a number of recommendations of scientific-methodical and scientific-practical content. Has 19 patents and author's certificates, is a co-author of 3 new medicinal products registered in Ukraine.

PhD, аssociate professor
Mariya A. Kulida
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Direction of scientific research: Treatment of the pathology of the organ of hearing in animals.
Field of research: Othological pathology of animals. Author of 52 scientific and methodological works.

PhD, аssociate professor
Volodymyr V. Tkachenko
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Field of research: Surgery treatment of ifectious pathology of animals.
Author of 28 scientific and methodological works.

PhD, associated professor
Pavlo K. Solonin
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68; 066–002–88–23
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Research area: surgical pathology of animals.
Author and co-author of 122 scientific and educational and methodological works, including: 4 textbooks, 13 methodological guidelines. Has publications in foreign publications.

PhD, аssociate professor
Yurii О. Kharkevych
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Direction of scientific research: biological properties of animal stem cells, cellular technologies.
Author and co-author of more than 80 scientific works, 20 patents of Ukraine for useful models, 3 training manuals, 2 monographs, more than 10 methodological recommendations.

PhD, associated professor
Vadym V. Klymchuk
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
The direction of scientific research: surgical pathology and orthopedics of small animals.
Author and co-author of more than 20 scientific publications, more than 10 scientific and methodological works, 1 scientific and practical recommendations and 1 patent for a useful model.

PhD, associated professor
Taras L. Savchuk
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
In recent years, the topic of scientific research is aimed at studying the properties of animal stem cells and their use in cell therapy.
The direction of scientific research: reparative osteogenesis under the influence of stem cells.
Author and co-author of 34 scientific publications, 5 Ukrainian utility model patents, 3 monographs, 5 scientific and methodological recommendations.

Dmytro V. Tarnavsky
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Field of research: Traumatology, complications of fractures.
Author of 37 scientific and methodological works.

Vitalii V. Honchar
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
Dissertation topic: "Effect of yolk dyes on the quality and safety of chicken eggs under different storage methods."
Author and co-author of 12 scientific publications, 1 scientific and methodological recommendation.

Yuliia V. Surtaieva
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
The topic of the dissertation: "Properties of stem cells depending on the conditions of cryopreservation and their influence on tissue recovery of experimentally damaged animal lungs."
The topic of scientific research is aimed at studying the properties of animal stem cells and their use in cell therapy to restore the structure of pathologically altered tissues of the animal body.
Author and co-author of 2 scientific publications.

Iryna М. Horkava
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
The topic of the dissertation: "The effect of platelet-rich plasma on joint tissues in experimental osteoarthrosis."
Author and co-author of 2 scientific publications.

Dmytro О. Kovalenko
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
The topic of the dissertation: "Scientific and experimental substantiation of the influence of blood components on the recovery of stomach tissues during surgical interventions."
Author and co-author of 4 scientific papers.

Veterinary doctor
Valentyna S. Skoropadska
Тел.: (044) 267-88-68
Електронна пошта: [email protected]
The topic of the dissertation "Postveal glaucoma in dogs".