Student scientific group of biologists-game management scientists
Student scientific group of biologists-game management scientists
The main areas of work and research:
- studying of population and diversity of forest animals and birds;
- ecological and ethological study of wild animals;
- fauna of urban landscapes, gardens and parks;
- study of retention, rehabilitation and breeding of wild animals in captivity, semi-free conditions;
- participation in environmental activities and cooperation with domestic and foreign environmental organizations (Ukrainian Community of Bird Protection, Ukrainian Centre of Bat Protection, Ukrainian Theriological Community, Green World, Bird Life, etc.)
- deep study of hunting and hunting estates of Ukraine;
- ways to preserve rare and endangered fauna species of Ukraine;
- studying of fauna on the territory of natural reserve fund objects (reserves, national parks, regional landscape parks, nature reserves);
- study of taxidermy, museum affair;
- networking with similar groups and organizations.
The main work forms:
- thematic session ("wolf in Ukraine: current population situation");
- meetings with interesting people (participants of Antarctic expeditions, participants of kayak marine expeditions, photographers-animalists);
- Field trips and expeditions (national park “Podilski Tovtry”, natural reserve “Medobory”, Poliskiy natural reserve, Desniansko-Starogutskiy natural park);
- participation in environmental activities, environmental and educational events (European bat night, bushmit, saving the Amur tiger, swamp turtle conservation, building of environmental trail);
- participation in accounting, help to estates and objects of nature protect areas;
- joint activities, expeditions, trips with friendly biological groups of other universities;
- participation in conferences, workshops, field schools (student conferences, terioschool, ornitoschool);
- watching videos.