Postgraduate student of the Department of Epizootology and Veterinary Business Organisation underwent an internship in Sweden

November 9, 2019
    A first-year postgraduate student of the Department of Epizootology and Veterinary Business Organisation, Lidiya Moskalenko (scientific advisors: Professor Vitaliy Nedosekov and Associate Professor Maryna Galat) underwent an internship at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Uppsala, Sweden). The internship was devoted to modern approaches to scientific research and was supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences (Tartu, Estonia).

   During her internship, Lidiya Moskalenko participated in the course “Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods”, which focuses on the basics of conducting preliminary data analysis and selecting the most optimal research methods. During the training Lydia also learned the basics necessary for successful presentation of scientific achievements. The lecturers of this course were world-renowned Bristol Veterinary School scientists - Professor M. Paul and Professor H.Lambert and a practicing veterinarian of the same school - G. Reese. Upon completing the course, Lidiya received a certificate.

    We look forward to further cooperation with the universities of Sweden and Estonia!

Marina Galat,
Coordinator of international programs of the
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


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