Department of Vegetable Crops

Scientific work

The department became a center of training graduate students on horticulture. In 1999, the first doctoral thesis VI Ovcharuk on "Theoretical background and agronomic basis of growing parsley and celery seed and food for use in the south-western part of the steppes of Ukraine." In 2005 doctoral thesis VV Khareba on "Agrobiological substantiation of white cabbage for food and seed purposes in Forest and Woodlands of Ukraine." Currently working on his doctorate - NV Leshchuk, VM Strigun, YR Thomason, who develop technology growing lettuce, creating varieties of peas vegetable and melon. Professors O. Barabash, Sych Z., Zuk O., V. Khareba take part in specialized academic councils of doctoral and master's theses at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and Institute of Vegetables and Melons NAAS of Ukraine. Main directions of scientific activities • Development of National Standards of Ukraine technologies vegetable production; • develop production technologies and marketing implementation rare leguminous vegetables; • improving elements of technology growing vegetable crops to produce environmentally safe products and seeds in open and closed ground; • creation new varieties of vegetable pea and heterotic hybrid cultivar Nijinsky, resistant to disease, pests and adverse environmental conditions suitable for industrial production technologies in the areas of processing; • improvement of the original and elite seed of new varieties of vegetable pea Swift, Natinau and Salute TDR for their implementation in public cannery to produce green peas; • Development of standardized technologies of growing vegetable crops for processing different directions. Department prepares graduate students for specialty 06.01.06 - vegetable

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