
Head of Department, сandidate of agricultural sciences
Ivan Fedosiy

Phone: (044) 527-81-69

E-mail: [email protected]

Graduated from Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University іn 2003 (specialty – agronomy.

In 2007 depended the scientific Dissertation named «Justification of the technologies’ elements of growing savoy cabbage in the forest Steppe of Ukraine».

Disciplines for teaching: «Potato growing», «Vegetable growing», «Post-harvest processing of fruits, vegetables and grapes» and «Organic vegetable growing».

Field of scientific investigations: Vegetable crops, Organic technologies for growing vegetable crops.



Сandidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Oleksandr Tsyz

Phone: (044) 527-60-67

E-mail: [email protected]

Higher education: Lviv State Agricultural Institute, specialty – Agronomy, qualification – licentiate agronomist, 1994.

Candidate dissertation topic: "Selection of highly productive strains and substrates for the cultivation of double-spore champignons (Agaricus bisporus /J. Lge/ Imbach) in Ukraine", specialty 06.01.06 – vegetable growing, 1999.

 Disciplines, for the teaching of which is responsible: Mushroom growing, Technologies of closed ground.

Field of scientific interest: agrobiological substantiation of the technologies elements for cultivation of edible mushrooms, introduction of new types of cultivated mushrooms.



Сandidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Yuri Sleptsov

Phone: (044) 527-60-67

E-mail: [email protected]

       In 1997-2000 – post graduate student of the Department of Vegetable growing (scientific supervisor – professor Barabash O.Y). Then in 2000-2004 – assistant of the Department of Protected Cultivated and from 2005 up to now - Docent.

       The gist of scientific investigations are Greenhouses, Organic Horticulture, Hydroponics. Author of more than 100 articles and scientific papers, books and textbooks. 


Candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Vira Kutovenko

Phone: (044) 527-81-69

E-mail: [email protected]

           In 1992 Graduated from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, specialty – agronomy.

In 2001 received the degree of candidate of agricultural science after depending of Dissertation named: «Cultivation of seed and extractive green vegetable crops in winter block greenhouses».

Disciplines for teaching: «Vegetable growing», «Rare cultures in vegetable growing».

Field of scientific investigations: technologies for growing new vegetable crops


candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Bobos Irina

Phone: (044) 527-81-69

E-mail: [email protected]

In 1989 Graduated from the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy, specialty – agronomy.

In 2003 received the degree of candidate of agricultural science after depending of Dissertation named: «Selection of the assortment and agrobiological substantiation of elements of the technology of watermelon and melon growing in film greenhouses».

Disciplines for teaching: «Vegetable growing», «Olerography», «Agrarian business and marketing in horticulture», «Seeds growing of vegetable crops».

Field of scientific investigations: technologies for growing new vegetable crops, marketing of fruit and vegetable products.



candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Ivanna Havrys’

Phone: (044) 527-60-67

E-mail: [email protected]

High education: Lviv State Agrarian University, specialty – Horticulture and viticulture, qualification – qualificated agronomist, 1999.

Dissertation thesis: «Effectiveness of using biologically active substances for tomato cultivation in winter greenhouses», specialty – 06.01.06 Horticulture, 2007.

Educational disciplines: «Greenhouse floriculture», «Greenhouse technologies», «Rare cultures in greenhouses».

Field of scientific interests: improvement of technologies for growing vegetable and flower plants in greenhouses.


candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor
Oleksandr Shemetun

Phone: (044) 527-60-67

E-mail: [email protected]

Graduated from National Agricultural University (Kyiv), department of plants depend in.

In 2005 he received the degree of candidate of agricultural science after depending of Dissertation named: «Choice of bees-pollination varieties and improving the cucumber’s technology in film greenhouses on the straws», specialty - vegetable growing.

Disciplines for teaching: “Technologies of Protected Cultivated”, “Greenhouses constructions”.

Field of scientific investigations: plants depending in Greenhouses, modern technologies of vegetable crops in Greenhouses. 


senior teacher
Oleksandr Komar

Phone: (044) 527-81-69

Graduated: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, specialty - agronomy, qualification - research agronomist, 2014.

The topic of the candidate's dissertation: «Optimization of the elements of the technology of growing parsnip in the Right-bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine», specialty 06.01.06 Vegetable-Growing.

Field of research: technologies of growing vegetables 


Head of educational laboratory "Horticulture"
Olga Leontieva

Phone: (044) 527-81-69

Graduated from Leningrad Agricultural Institute in 1984, specialty – «Horticulture». Since 1998 - laboratory assistant of the department of vegetable growing, and since 2000 up to now - the head of the educational laboratory. 


hand of education and scientific-production laboratory «Field and greenhouse vegetables»
Viktor Komar

Phone: (044) 527-81-69

Graduated: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, specialty - agronomy, qualification - research agronomist, 2014

         Field of research: technologies of growing vegetables 


Laboratory assistant
Natalia Shaveko

Phone: (044) 527-81-69

Graduated from National University of life and environmental Science of Ukraine in 2022, specialty – 203 «Horticulture». 

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