Address: 16600, Ukraine, Chernihiv region, Nizhyn, Shevchenko str., 10.
Tel.: (04631) 2-52-70
E-mail: [email protected]
WWW: http://nati.org.ua

Vasily S. Lukach
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Honorary worker of public education of Ukraine, high achiever in Ukrainian education, high achiever in agrarian education and science
Becoming stages:
- July 1, 1895 - Nizhyn Vocational School was founded.
- July 1, 1900 - The Vocational School was renamed into Nizhyn Technical School named after O. F. Kushakevych.
- 1920 - Nizhyn Polytechnic School was organized on the basis of the vocational school.
- 1922 - Polytechnic School was reorganized into Technical School of Chemistry and Mechanization, and soon — into Agrotechnical School with agricultural machine-building department.
- 1929 - Agrotechnical School was reorganized into Industrial Technical School.
- 1933 - Nizhyn Technical School of Mechanization of Agriculture was founded.
- 1993 - Technical School was reorganized into Nizhyn Agrotechnical College (Order of Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine, August 4, 1993 № 214).
- 1996 - Nizhyn Agrotechnical College was given under the ruling of National Agricultural University of Ukraine (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, April 23, 1996 № 448).
- 2001 - Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute was formed as a functional part of National Agricultural University (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, May 16, 2001 № 508).
- 2005 - Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute of National Agricultural University is accredited into institution of higher education level III (decision of the State Attestation Commission and order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, June 30, 2005, № 1858-L).
- 2006 - Separated structural subdivision of National Agricultural University “Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute” was formed (order of the rector of National Agricultural University, June 19, 2006, № 2006).
- 2008 - Separated structural subdivision of National Agricultural University “Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute” was renamed into Separated subdivision of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine “Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute” (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, October 30, 2008, № 945 and order of NUBiP, December 15, 2008).