Faculty of Mechanization of Agriculture

Department of General Technics


Address: 10, Shevchenko St., Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, 16600

Тel.: (04631) 2-31-30

e-mail: [email protected]



Head of Department
Oleg I. Lytvinov

Candidate of sciences, Associate Professor




General Information

Department of General Technics operates as an independent unit of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization and provides teaching and learning and elective courses in theoretical mechanics, engineering and computer graphics , mechanics of materials and structures , theory of mechanisms and machines. Under the management of department students do independent research, prepare papers and reports on student conference , carry out calculating and graphic works.


The main Department objectives:

  • Creation of design skills of students in technical areas of learning descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics ;
  • Improving the quality of student learning during general technical subjects;
  • Creating programs of subjects and teaching methods based on modern pedagogical research technologies;
  • Widely usage in teaching of modern teaching technologies;
  • Improvement of methods of laboratory, educational and industrial practice of students;
  • Development of electronic learning courses for students' independent work ;
  • Updating and computerization of material and technical base of department laboratories of general technical disciplines.

Research Department aims to optimize starting and braking modes of motion lifts, used in agricultural production, development of design and optimization of the machine with recuperation drive; geometry aspects of designing decisions of trademarks.
Researches of the lecturers of department are related to the solution of theoretical and scientific and technical problems in applied geometry, mechanics of deformable solids , physics of semiconductors and dielectrics, problems of pedagogics.



Department Teaching Staff:

  • Tetyana P. Fedoryna, Docent, Candidate of sciences  
  • Iryna O. Korovina, Senior Lecturer, Candidate of sciences
  • Vasyl P. Kulyk, Senior Lecturer, Candidate of sciences
  • Raisa F. Hrapach, Senior Lecturer, Candidate of sciences
  • Oleksandr M. Kyrychenko, Laboratory assistant 


Material resources:




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