Department of the Fundamental and Natural Sciences
Address: 10, Shevchenko St., Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, 16600
Тel.: (04631) 2-36-81

Head of Department
Mykolay M. Mukvych
Сandidate of sciences, Associate Professor
General Information
Department provides teaching of the disciplines of the fundamental and natural cycle. Research and teaching staff at a high scientific and methodological level conduct classes on higher and applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, ecology, computers, and computer science, probability theory and mathematical statistics, economics and mathematical modeling, optimization methods and models, econometrics and other disciplines.
The main Department objectives:
- providing of training of students according to educational and vocational programs for bachelors;
- use of modern achievements of science in the educational process, use of information technology, software, advanced educational and instructional materials;
- motivation of students to the systematic deepening of knowledge through the development of educational materials for self-study;
- providing an objective assessment of student learning through the use of modern forms of monitoring and diagnostics;
- introduction of new technologies: information, online forms and methods of training, extension and modernization of electronic information resources;
- guide the research work of students, the organization of extracurricular activities, olympiads, competitions, conferences;
- updating and computerization of material and technical base of the department.
Department Teaching Staff:
- Oleksandr A. Zabolotniy, Senior Lecturer, Сandidate of sciences
- Olexandra I. Kosenko, Associate Professor, Сandidate of sciences
- Nataliya V. Mayborodina, Senior Lecturer, Сandidate of sciences
- Inna M. Soldatova, Associate Professor, Сandidate of sciences
- Alyona V. Shkodyn, Senior Lecturer, Сandidate of sciences
Material resources: