Department Electrified Technologies in Agricultural Production
Address: 10, Shevchenko St., Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, 16600
Тel.: (04631) 2-36-81

Head of Department
Anatoliy H. Kushnirenko
Associate Professor, Сandidate of sciences
General Information
The main scientific directions of the department of electrified automation and technology in agricultural production is to develop new methods of pre-treatment of cereal seeds, improve technology storage and processing of agricultural products, automation process in agriculture, the implementing of energy saving technologies.
The main Department objectives:
- Formation of students' knowledge and skills of a qualified electrical engineer;
- Realization of high theoretical and methodological level of training of the subjects taught in the department;
- Providing an objective assessment knowledge of students by applying modern forms of monitoring and diagnostics;
- Improving the quality of student learning in the course of the study subjects of professional and practical training;
- Guidance for the laboratory exercises, course and diploma projects, training, production and pre-diploma practice;
- The integration of teaching, research and innovation activities of the department in the educational process;
- Development of methodology for independent work of students, mainly from using educational and informative portal on the platform MOODLE.
Department Teaching Staff:
- Anatoliy H. Kushnirenko, Associate Professor, Сandidate of sciences
- Vyacheslav P. Herasymenko, Assistant
- Roman A. Kalinichenko, Associate Professor, Сandidate of sciences
- Natalia O. Solomko, Assistant
Material resources: