Events calendar
21.08.2017 – 27.08.2017
Post graduate students Yurii Masalovych and Oksana Moldavchuk are registered scholarship holders of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
August 21, 2017
According to offers of higher educational institutions Government appointed scholarships of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to postgraduate students for 2017-2018 academic year (order № 405-р on 14.06.2017). We are happy to inform that our university post graduate students are among the scholarship holders. →
Student enrollment 2017 is an issue to discuss
August 22, 2017
Rector Stanislav Nikolaienko is heading the meeting the admission board who are to make conclusions about the process of student enrollment this year. →
University students and faculty members had a meeting to celebrate Flag Day foto
August 23, 2017
Flag Day has never been celebrated so solemnly and exalted at our University. Honorary guard of the Presidential Regiment raised National Flag on the new 12-meter flagpole in front of the central building under the execution of the national anthem and military salute. →
Congratulations go to Vasyl Shynkaruk and Petro Lakyda!
August 23, 2017
Ukraine honor awards are given to Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy Vasyl Shynkaruk and Head of Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening Petro Lakyda. V. →