For international incoming ERASMUS students
Deadline for ERASMUS studies applications:
Autumn semester: June 30
Spring semester: December 29
Incoming ERASMUS students should arrive for they studies in University before 01 September in Autumn semester and between 25 January and 05 February in Spring semester.
Study periods:
Autumn semester : 01 September – 31 December
Spring semester: 6 February – 15 June
Necessary documents:
- CV (europass format);
- Motivation letter;
- 2 references;
- Learning Agreement;
- Transcript of records.
Criteria of final selection of students to the programme:
- minimum one year of studies finished at home university in the same area before leaving abroad under the ERASMUS programme;
- former participation in the studies abroad under ERASMUS programme together with applying period not exceeds 12 month period;
- sufficient knowledge of foreign language;
- level of study results,
- unblemished behaviour during former studies.
The educational conception of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES of Ukraine) is determined by its status as a research university. The University realises its educational, research, scientific, innovative, training and extension service activity directed to the development of the up-to-date technologies concerning life sciences and environment, reproduction, usage and balanced development of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
The University introduces modern nature conserving agrarian-biotechnologies, technologies dealing with revival, security and soil fertility as well as agricultural technologies dealing with energy saving, ecological and law management in rural areas, realization of monitoring and standard control of quality and safety of agricultural production, food processing and environment.
NULES of Ukraine as the research university realizes its activity according to the requirements and standards of the European scientific and educational space, participates in different scientific, research programs and projects, collaborates with world leading universities and other overseas top partners.
The University training activity possesses a secular nature, protected from interference of political parties and religious organizations. The main purpose of the University activity is to keep on integrating into the world educational system and to conform international status.
For theoretical and practical purposes the University provides students with 17 educational buildings also educational, scientific-educational and industrial-training laboratories that are located in separated subdivisions of NULES - in training and research farms and research stations. All have modern facilities that are used for the student’s quality training.
Students have asses to a modern scientific library. It numbers approximately about 1 million books, among them 400 thousand – textbooks and manuals and 607 thousand – scientifically literature. The student’s campus includes 13 dormitories, providing accommodation to about 80 percent of NULES students. There are also canteens, refreshment rooms, cafeterias.
Required documents
The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine accepts students from partner universities for Erasmus+ study stay (3-10 months) at bachelor, master level.
Once you have been selected by your home university please send us the following:
Students | Staff | ||
Student Mobility | Training mobility | Teaching mobility | |
Motivation latter | + | + | + |
CV | + | + | + |
Transcript of records | + | ||
Teaching program | + | ||
List of lectures (at least 8 hours) | + |
Study evaluation system at NULES
Rating evaluating of students' knowledge of subjects, defense of papers (projects), reports of all kinds of practices (academic and industrial), preparation of state exams, diploma design (defense of final undergraduate, diplomas (projects) and master's projects) is carried out by 100- point scale.
The relation between national and ECTS evaluation systems