Invitation for teachers and students to get modern knowledge in the field of Farm Management and Agrarian Economy

3 листопада 2020 року
Faculty of Agricultural Management

Invitation from Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences:

for teachers and students to get modern knowlede from the international experts from the United Kingdom and The United States of America in the field of Farm Management and Agrarian Economy

Dear colleagues from partner universities,
we would like to inform you, that we have been able to attract a number of international experts from the United Kingdom and United States in the field of farm management and agrarian economy, to report to us about theirs view of and handling of economic key figures for agricultural business evaluation.

Here you’ll find the links and access data of zoom lectures for HSWT partner universities:

03.11.2020, at 19:00 (CET/Berlin time) : Henry Matthews & Dr. Rob Gowers, Writtle University College, UK.

Company Key Figures for the evaluation of farms – used in UK  (

10.11.2020, at 18:00 (CET/Berlin time): Prof. Emerit. Kent Olson, University of Minnesota, USA & Prof. Dr. Steven Klose, Texas A&M University, USA.

Economic Assessment of farms using Company Key Figures – a North American Perspective (

18.11.2020, at 18:00 (CET/Berlin time): Prof. Dr. Gary Schnitkey, University of Illinois, USA

Company Key Figures for the evaluation of farms – international perspectives


The password is the same for all 3 events: Y6w@^b

The events will take about 2 hours, half of which will consist of lectures and half of discussion time.

The language of lectures and discussions will be English.


We hope it will be very interesting also for you and for the teachers in the field of agrarian economy!

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