Vocation-oriented Work of Associate Professor of the Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation

22 листопада 2019 року

Assistant Professor Marianna Hennadiivna. Goltsova, Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation, conducted a career orientation work with the pupils of three 11th-grade (11-A, 11-B, 11-B) high schools in “Kyivska Rus” gymnasium, Kyiv. Potential entrants were able to talk with a representative of our educational institution, learn about the specialties they study at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine at the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics, namely: "Philology", "International Relations, Public Communication and Regional Studies," "Psychology”, "Journalism", "Vocational Education".
It was emphasized that at the specialty "Philology" students have the opportunity to obtain double diplomas (NULES of Ukraine and abroad at the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk).

The students were interested in the information, asked about the teaching staff, the opportunity to learn several foreign languages, and the interesting and rich cultural life of the students. 

Захисти дисертаційРегіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Набір на навчання (синій)_2015

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