Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Діджиталізація аграрного менеджменту»
Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Діджиталізація аграрного менеджменту»
29 листопада 2019, 0:00
Корпус № 3, ауд. 309
November 29-30, 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Digitalization of Agrarian Management» to be held on November 29-30, 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
We invite scientists, practitioners, professors of educational establishments, doctoral students and PhD students to participate in the conference.
To participate in the conference you must submit an application and an article for publication in the International Journal of Engineering and Advance Technology by October 31, 2019 using email: [email protected], Anna M. Slobodianyk, +380976491936
Thematic areas of the conference:
1. Digital economy: trends and prospects of development.
2. Development of marketing in the conditions of digitalization of agrarian business
Working language of the conference is English.
by October 31, 2019– submission of application and full text of the article;
by November 11, 2019– informing of the preliminary acceptance of the publication.
Requirements for the design of materials:
1. Only carefully read articles in English are accepted for consideration.
2. The text of the article should be printed in a Microsoft Word text editor and saved in either * doc or * docx format, paper template of IJRTE available at: IJITEE_Paper_Template.doc
3. Material volume should not exceed 10 – 12 pages of A4 text.
4. All text is printed in Times New Roman font, size is 14 pt, spacing is 1.5, paragraph is 1.25, width equalization.
5. The text should be constructed in a logical sequence, without repetition, with clear wording and in accordance with the requirements of the style of the scientific text, without grammatical and stylistic mistakes.
6. References must include at least 10 sources and, with some exceptions, they should not be older than 10 years.
7. The link should be designed according to IEEE-style
8. Self-citation in the list of references is not desirable and allowed if necessary to the extent of not more than 10%.
9. Each author may be a member of the authoring team of no more than two articles.
10. The number of authors should not exceed four persons.
11. An abstract (in English) of 2-3 pages in volume should be attached to the article.
12. Preparation of the presentation of the article (in English) and the presence of at least one representative of the authoring team at the conference is obligatory.
Conference Organizing Committee
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:

Stanislav M. Nikolaienko,
Rector of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Co-chairs of the Committee:

Anatolii D. Ostapchuk, Dean of the Faculty of the Agrarian Management, PhD, As.Professor. | Nadiia P. Reznik, Head of Department of Management named after Professor Yosyp S. Zavadsky, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. |
Secretary organizing committee Anna M. Slobodianyk PhD | English speaking coordinator of the conference Kateryna A. Alekseieva PhD, As. Professor |
Panel discussions were created for the conference.
Panel 1.«Digital Economy: trends and prospects for Development», moderator of the panel - Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Interbank Currency Exchange, ex-chairman of the Board of JSC «Oschadbank», Higher Expert Council of NBU, Head of Supervisory Board of Ternopil National Economical University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, As. Professor Anatoliy I. Guley; - secretary of the panel p.h.d, senior lecturer of Department of management named after prof. Y.S.Zavadskyi NUBiP of Ukraine Christina Dramaretska, date of holding– November 29, 2019, venue – educational building № 3 office 309. (contact number: +380976404862). | Panel 2. «Development of Marketing in the conditions of digitalization of agricultural business», moderator of the panel - Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Marketing and International Trade of NUBiP of Ukraine Yaroslava Larina; - secretary panels - p.h.d, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and International Trade of NUBiP of Ukraine Olena Chetveryk, date of holding - November 30, 2019, venue - educational building № 3 office 309. (contact number: +380967111478). |
Для роботи конференції створено панельні дискусії.
Панель 1. «Цифрова економіка: тренди та перспективи розвитку» (Digital Economy: trends and prospects for Development), модератор панелі – голова правління Української міжбанківської валютної біржі, екс-голова правління АТ «Ощадбанк», співголова Вищої Експертної Ради при НБУ, голова наглядової ради Тернопільського національного економічного університету, доктор економічних наук Гулей Анатолій Іванович; - секретар панелі – к.е.н., старший викладач кафедри менеджменту ім. проф. Й. С. Завадського НУБіП України Драмарецька Крістіна Павлівна, дата проведення – 29 листопада 2019 р., місце проведення – навчальний корпус № 3 ауд. 309 (контактний телефон: +380976404862). | Панель 2. «Розвиток маркетингу в умовах діджиталізації агробізнесу» (Development of Marketing in the conditions of digitalization of agricultural business), модератор панелі – доктор економічних наук, професор кафедри маркетингу та міжнародної торгівлі НУБіП України Ларіна Ярослава Степанівна; - секретар панелі – к.е.н., доцент кафедри маркетингу та міжнародної торгівлі НУБіП України Четверик Олена Вікторівна, дата проведення – 30 листопада 2019 р., місце проведення – навчальний корпус № 3 ауд. 309 (контактний телефон: +380967111478). |
Members of the Organizing Committee
Vadym A. Tkachuk, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, International Activity and Development , Doctor of Economic Sciences, As. Professor. | Prof. Gupta Sandeep Kumar |
Serhii M. Kvasha, Vice-Rector for Educational Activities, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. | Dr. Sharma Praveen Kumar |
Lesia V. Zaburanna, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor | Dr. Sharma Sanat Kumar |
Ruslan I. Buriak, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor | Dr. Punit Gaur |
Tetiana L. Mostenska, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor | Prof. Anirudh Bhowmick |
Lidiia V. Shynkaruk, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor | Prof. Mishra Sanjay |
Olena A. Kovtun, PhD, As.Professor | Prof. Rafal Aleksander Dymczyk |
Kateryna A. Alekseieva, PhD, As.Professor | Prof. Elena Horská |
Anatoliy I. Guley, Higher Expert Council of NBU, Head of Supervisory Board of Ternopil National Economical University, Doctor of Economic Sciences, As. Professor | Prof. George Abuselidze |
Prof. Rustogi Narendra | Prof. Pavel Hushcha |
Prof. Teston Sayonara de Fatima | Assoc. Prof. Emil Ordukhanyan |
Prof. Zawadzki Patrick | Co-founder and CEO at Israeli-Ukrainian Alliance Anna Zharova |
Prof. Weersma Laodiceia Amorim | Founder and owner of the company «Image marketing solution» Alon Segal |
Prof. Joshi Arvind | Anna M. Slobodianyk, PhD |
Howard University, USA
Santa Catarina Western University, Brazil
Centre Christus University, Brazil
Banaras Hindu University, India
Sharda University, India
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India
Central University of South Bihar, India
Arba Minch University, Ethiopia
Adigrat University, Ethiopia
University named after Adam Mickiewicz, Poland
Slovak Agrarian University,
Nitra, Slovak Republic
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia
Polissya State University, Belarus
Yerevan State Linguistic University named after V. Brusov, Armenia
Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilev, Kazakhstan
Ternopil National Economic University
Israeli-Ukrainian Alliance
Сompany «Image marketing solution»