Міжнародна співпраця в 2011 році

26 червня 2011 року

Шановні колеги!

До вашої уваги інформація щодо міжнародної співпраці у 2011 році:

1. Опитування щодо біоенергетики, ініційоване ФАО.

2. Конференція “Технологія і ергономіка на службі сучасному лісовому господарству, Krakow, Poland, in June 26 – 29, 2011.
The Conference theme panels will include: 1) Modern techniques and technologies of timber harvesting in sustainable forestry; 2) Ergonomics in the execution of technology and project applications in forestry; 3) Modern trends of technical and technological solutions in forest utilization in the world; and 4) Academic teaching of forest utilization and ergonomics in sustainable forestry.

Conference dates: June, 26-29th* 2011.

Conference language: English; Polish-English interpreting provided.

Online registration dates (on the Conference website): Dec. 14th 2010 – Jan. 31st 2011.

Registration dates during the Conference: June. 26-27th 2011.

Deadline for paper submission (by e-mail): March 1st 2011.

Conference fee transfer due to: April 30th 2011.

Preliminary costs: (Prices subject to current exchange rates of Euro).

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