НПП механіко-технологічного факультету запрошуються до IOSR Journal of Engineering

1 грудня 2016 року
м. Київ, НУБіП України, механіко-технологічний факультет



IOSR Journal of Engineering
(International  Organization of Scientific research)
Dear Researcher,
                      IOSRJournal of Engineering (IOSR-JEN) is ISO 3297:2007 certified open access and peer reviewed refereed international Journals.
IOSR Journals invites articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Information Technology, VLSI Design and Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Automobile and Robotics Engineering. 
INDEXING:  ArXiv, ANED (American National Engineering Database), EBSCO Host, Cabell’s Directory, DOAJ, OPEN J Gate, Index Copernicus, Cross Ref (USA), CAS Database.
 IOSR Journal of Engineering  provide DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to each published article.
IOSR Journal of Engineering  2015 published article's Annual Citation Percentage is 81.4 %
DOI Prefix allotted for IOSR Journal of Engineering is 1.9790.

IOSR JEN has released 6 Volumes and 12 Issues

Submission Deadline: 20th December 2016
Acceptance notification: After One week of paper submission
Paper Publication: 30th December 2016
You can submit your manuscript by following link  Submit Your Article 
For any query, feel free to mail us to [email protected]  

With Best Regards

Ivan Rogovskii


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