Agreement on Cooperation between National Agrarian University of Vietnam and NULES of Ukraine

4 листопада 2015 року

     November 3, 2015 became a landmark day for NULES of Ukraine. Our University made another step in expanding the geography of its international cooperation.

     The delegation headed by rector Stanislav Nikolaenko, on invitation of the Vietnamese side, visited the largest agricultural university – National Agrarian University of Vietnam (Hanoi city). It includes 15 departments with about 35,000 students.

     Acting rector Nguyen Xuan Hek briefed the Ukrainian colleagues about the structure of the university, its facilities, resources and library. The meeting touched on cooperation between our institutions, which was attended by the head of international relations unit, dean of the department of livestock Vu Ding Tong, and dean of the department of aquaculture Nguyen Thi Nang Thu.

     The Vietnamese side took a great interest in the opportunity to send their Masters and postgraduates to our university to undergo training courses, field work and to conduct researches.

     In addition, members of the delegation got acquainted with the organization of educational process at the university, training base in fish breeding and visited the classes. The result of this work was the signing of a framework agreement on cooperation between our universities.

Vadym Kondratiuk,
Dean of the department of livestock and aquatic bioresources


Регіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Захисти дисертаційНабір на навчання (синій)_2015

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