Charming Town with our Teacher

21 жовтня 2015, 17:33

At this weekend on Sunday my group-mates and I, together with our English Teacher, had visited an annual exhibition about the education abroad. It was raining in the morning, but the event was held in the hotel. On the way to the hotel we took Kiev Funicular at first and it was interesting. When we arrived to the exhibition I spoke with native speakers and they answered all my questions: how was it to study abroad? And now I know, studying in other country will equip you with new global thinking. Studying in world-wide known institutions empowers and assists you in preparing for the career you've always dreamt about.

After the exhibition we had an excursion around Kyiv presented by our English teachers. The weather improved, so it became warm and the sun treated us kindly. At first we went to Landscape Alley, one of the most interesting places of modern art in Kyiv. It's located on an Old Kyiv Hill and it has many fantastic statues, playgrounds and unusual benches. Then we went to the Andrew's Descent, which is also beautiful. While walking across the descent, we could see all the charm of old Kiev. I liked these places so much. Then teachers, my friends and I decided to climb the observation desk, and up to me it was the greatest idea, because we saw the whole Old Kyiv. Of course, we've made a lot of photos. At the end of this exciting journey we walked to the new Kiev River Station. There was a gorgeous embankment and maybe one of the still working fountains at this time of a year.

I'm really impressed with this excursion. Thanks to those, who found time to spend it with us.



Nikita Pundyk,


the 1-st-year student of the Mechanical and Technological Faculty

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