Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bioresources

Адреса: 03041, Kyiv, General Rodimtsev str., 19, bilding 1, room. 34.

Тел.: +38 (044) 527-82-58; 527-85-56

Dean of Faculty:
Ruslan Kononenko

Сandidate of Veterinary Science, Associate Professor


     The Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bioresources of NUBiP of Ukraine is one of the country's leading faculties that trains specialists in the specialties that are most relevant for Ukraine as an agrarian country today, as it provides highly qualified personnel for the livestock and fish farming industries that shape food security.

     The faculty has a research institute of livestock production technology and quality, 2 specialties: Technology of production and processing of livestock products and Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture, and 8 departments:

  • Animal Biology
  • Aquaculture
  • Beekeeping
  • Dairy and Beef Production Technology
  • Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology of Animals
  • Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
  • P.D. Pshenychnyy Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
  • Technologies in Poultry, Pig and Sheep Breeding;

     26 educational, 8 research and production laboratories, 1 problem-based research laboratory, 2 exhibition pavilions for technological equipment and the scientific and production journal «Modern Poultry»; a reading room and library, 3 computer labs.

     The main goal of the faculty is to train highly qualified, highly educated specialists capable of quickly and successfully mastering new knowledge, skills and technologies of the European and world level, who meet the requirements of the modern labor market and are able to ensure the effective development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine.

      The faculty conducts educational, research, scientific and innovative, teaching and methodological, educational, research and production, information and consulting, cultural and educational activities related to higher education and qualifications in specialties aimed at solving modern problems of life sciences, development and implementation of the latest technologies that meet international and national standards.



19 жовтня 2022


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