19 жовтня 2022 року

      The Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bioresources of NUBiP of Ukraine continues the cycle of lectures by leading domestic and foreign specialists and our successful graduates. In the new academic year, as part of international activities, students of the "Bachelor's" and "Master's" college of specialization 207 "Aquatic bioresources and aquaculture" listened to a lecture on "Distribution of chlorophyll in estuarine areas under the influence of declining river flow." Our guest - Oleksandr Goncharov - associate professor of Beijing Pedagogical University - United College of Hong Kong Baptist University (UIC), a specialist in hydrobiology and hydrochemistry, completed an internship in China (Beijing Pedagogical University), conducted scientific research in the waters of Antarctica and Kuwait, head of the oceanography department Scientific Hydrophysical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

     At the beginning of the meeting, which took place in an online and offline format, Oleksandr Goncharov briefly spoke about his scientific path and emphasized that the study of aquatic ecosystems and their bioresources is a difficult field in science, but it provides the keys to understanding many phenomena and processes in reservoirs, which at the current stage of the development of society need our protection. The consequences of human activity are manifested in rivers and other watercourses, but according to Oleksandr, we must understand how this happens and their main trends.

    Chlorophyll is a pigment of algae, its content can be a marker and be used to assess the degree of eutrophication and the intensity of self-purification of water. Chlorophyll also characterizes the current state of aquatic ecosystems and the level of anthropogenic influence with the selection of zones with an unfavorable ecological situation.

    The author analyzed the ecological situation on the Ukrainian part of the Black Sea coast in more detail and emphasized that it is the most closed among the seas and is special because of the hydrogen sulfide "cushion". Water exchange is carried out only through the Bosphorus. The Danube, Dnipro and Southern Bug desalinize the sea and carry polluted waters that cause eutrophication processes.

    Information about the distribution and content of chlorophyll in the waters of the Persian Gulf, Antarctica, and in the surface waters of various estuaries was interesting and new. And the information about the influence of currents, wind speed, and water circulation raised questions about blocking the Kerch Strait with a bridge crossing and the consequences of this construction on the Black Sea and its biota. Students also became interested in biological invasions in the Black Sea and their consequences.

     At the end of the lecture, the organizers of the meeting, acting Head of the Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology Associate Professor Nataliya Rudyk-Leuska and Associate Professor Hanna Kotovska, who is responsible for international activities of the department, thanked Associate Professor Oleksandr Goncharov for an interesting and extremely meaningful lecture and invited him to visit the university, get to know our students, educational and scientific laboratories, and continue cooperation.

Ganna Kotovska, Melaniia Khyzhniak
As. Professors, Department
Hydrobiology and Ichthyology

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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