Department of Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology of Animals

Address: Address: Kyiv, Heroiv Оborony str., 12, Building 7а, Room 202-208

Tel.: 044-527-82-30

Head of the Department (в.о.):

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences


The department is specialized in teaching disciplines such as genetics, breeding, selection and biotechnologies of animals, and conducting of scientific research on fertility improving of all kinds of animals.

The objective of the department is the following:

- All types of educational, scientific and methodological, scientific, cultural and educational work in process and training for the levels of Bachelor and Master in Livestock products production and processing technologies, Veterinary Medicine and for Master level in Hunting;

- Implementation of scientific and technological progress into animal husbandry;

- Academic training through the postgraduate training in specialties: 06.02.01 - Breeding and selection of animals, 06.00.15 - Genetics, 03.00.20 - Biotechnology;

- Training of teaching staff and specialists in the field of animal husbandry;

- Conducting educational work with the students of the University;

- Carrying out other activities in accordance with the Statute of the University

Staff of the Department

- Professor, D. Sc. - 4

- Associate Professor, D.Ph. - 5

- Assistant, D.Ph - 1

- Assistant - 1

- Engineers - 1

 - Laboratory assistant of department – 3


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