Address: 03041, Kyiv, Horihuvatskyi path str., 19, building 1, room 80
Tel.: . +38 044 5278310
E-mail: [email protected]

Head of Department:
PhD in Biology, Senior Research Fellow, Associate professor
The Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology is created by the consolidation of two departments – general zoology and ichthyology, and hydrobiology in the process of reorganization and structure optimization of NULES of Ukraine in 2015.
It must become a base department for training of specialists of direction 6.090201 the "Water bioresources and aquiculture" of EQL "Bachelor" and specialty 8.090201 the "Water bioresources" of EQL "Master".
The purpose of Department creation is implementation of the State Program of Ukraine for training of highly qualified specialists for enterprises of the Ministry of agriculture, institutions of the Ministry of environment, security and natural resources, State committee for water management and Agency of fisheries, scientific and research institutions, higher educational institutions of different accreditation levels.
Department provides:
- realization for all types of educational, methodical, scientific and cultural works for the students of Faculty of animal husbandry and water bioresources;
- implementation for training academic staff through postgraduate specialty "Ichthyology" and "Fish-farming";
- conduction of the training courses for educational staff and professionals of fisheries sector;
- implementation for results of scientific and technological progress in the fisheries industry;
There is organized the research work in Department, that lead to:
- development of methods for assessment of hydrobiological resources stocks (including fish resources) in the internal reservoirs of Ukraine, preservation measures for aboriginal ichthyofauna and increase for fish production in natural reservoirs;
- development of theoretical basis of biomonitoring systems for complex fishery reservoirs;
- development of methods for assessment of fish physiology status and management of water quality and reservoirs bioproduction.
The scientific and pedagogical staff of Department developed the number of methodical recommendations on:
assessment of ichthyofauna, its preservation, increase of fish productivity in reservoirs and quality of fish products in natural and quasi-natural freshwater reservoirs of Ukraine;
methods for optimization of ecological condition in reproduction and fish raising;
methods for usage of antistress substances in a fish-farming;
methods for usage of biological active substances (vitamins, micro-, macro elements, etc.) with the aim of metabolism adjusting for fishes and increase of growth intensity;
assessment for ecological state of the fishery reservoirs using the biomonitoring system;
selection for indicatory organisms with the aim of their usage in the biomonitoring system;
selection for integral indicators of indicatory organisms with the aim of their usage in the biomonitoring system.
Graduates of the Department able to work as teachers of schools, lyceums, colleges, technical schools, universities, as academic staff of institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, to hold the various positions and head the state enterprises in the fishing industry. The knowledge that which have been obtained by graduates of the Department, allow them to success work in the field of water resources protection and aquatic bioresources, in agencies and ministries that deal with these problems. They can establish their own business for the production and processing of fish or work in private sector that is engaged in fish farming.
February 12, 2024