Kindness lessons for children about the protection and responsible attitude to animal health and zoonoses prevention

20 жовтня 2024 року
  According to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science to general secondary education institutions calling for participation in the “V International Lesson of Kindness” (on humane and responsible treatment of animals), dedicated to World Animal Welfare Day (celebrated on October 4). The administration of the Specialized School No. 71 in Kyiv invited associate professors of the Faculty of Animal Welfare to participate in the World Animal Day. Kyiv invited associate professors of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Oleksandr Martyniuk and Mariia Halaburda to conduct educational lessons for children in grades 3-4 and 10-11 about humane and responsible treatment of animals and compliance with biological safety rules when in contact with animals, in particular, the prevention of rabies and other zoonoses. Particular attention was paid to teaching children how to behave properly with pets, including dogs, to avoid bites. The students learned about the importance of vaccinating animals as the main source of infection and the importance of timely medical attention after possible contact with the rabies pathogen. The children also learned basic methods of treating wounds after bites, such as washing the wound for 15 minutes with soap and water and the need to report scratches or bites to adults for further medical examination.
  As part of the Jean Monnet project “Integration of the EU' One Health Policy and Framework in Ukraine” (EU4OH), associate professors of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine conducted this educational event based on the results of a recent assessment of intersectoral cooperation in the field of One Health. The event was aimed at raising awareness among schoolchildren belonging to the most vulnerable groups of the population about the risks of disease and the importance of vaccination and safe behavior with animals. The lesson materials were prepared in accordance with the principles of the One Health approach and were developed based on the recommendations of international and European organizations. In addition to the training sessions, students were provided with information booklets that they could use to share their knowledge with family and friends, thus raising general awareness in the community.
During the lessons, the schoolchildren learned that there is a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Kyiv that trains doctors who care about animal health. The students were informed and invited to attend an open day on November 7, where everyone will be able to get information about admission to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and imagine themselves as a veterinary student.
This event is an important step in the fight against rabies and other zoonoses through education and an important career guidance measure aimed at engaging young people in protecting the health of both humans and animals.


Регіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Захисти дисертаційНабір на навчання (синій)_2015

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