15 червня 2015 року
Навчальний корпус №1, кафедра романо-германських мов і перекладу
Dear Oksana Ruslanivna!
We send you our best congratulations on the occasion of your Master's degree! We are proud of you!!!
You had been waiting for this so long.
Your desire to get this was so strong.
You worked for it since the past year.
You did everything you could to get degree.
Now that you’ve made it to the top,
Don’t give yourself a chance to stop!
This degree was your ultimate goal
Work hard and give your best to this role!!!!!!!

With the best wishes and the most sincere congratulations,
All the staff of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation.
Регіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Набір на навчання (синій)_2015Захисти дисертацій

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