Лейбніц Інститут Аграрного розвитку в перехідних економіках Німеччини запрошує на форум "Сільське господарство та зміни клімату в перехідних економіках"

5 лютого 2015 року

 Лейбніц Інститут Аграрного розвитку в перехідних економіках Німеччини (IAMO) запрошує на форум "Сільське господарство та зміни клімату в перехідних економіках", який відбудеться з 17 по 19 червня 2015 року.

Вадим Ткачук, 
директор ННЦ міжнародної діяльності

Наводимо детальну інформацію:

Dear colleagues and friends, 
We would like to draw your attention to the IAMO Forum 2015 with the title “Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies”. The conference will take place from 17 - 19 June 2015 in Halle (Saale), Germany. 

Climate change threatens to compromise global food se­curity and impact the ecosystem services and biodiversity that underpin future agricultural production. At the same time, agriculture is a main culprit of producing greenhouse gas emissions through land-use change, production-re­lated emissions, and management inefficiencies. Global agriculture therefore has considerable potential to mit­igate emissions, but also needs to develop suitable ad­aptation measures. 
The IAMO Forum 2015 will provide a platform for presenting and discussing re­search that investigates the interrelations of climate change and agriculture, with a focus on the transition countries of Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, and East Asia. We welcome contributions that examine the past, present, and future impacts of climate change on agricultural production, the greenhouse gas emis­sions associated with agricultural production, and the adaptation of agricultural practices to a changing cli­mate. The conference contributions may emerge from a variety of methodological approaches at various spatial and temporal scales and include equilibrium models, opti­mization approaches, econometrics, crop growth simulations or integrated assessments. Interdisciplinary contributions are particularly welcome. 

Call for extended abstracts 
We request the contribution of extended abstracts with up to 1,000 words. The abstracts should include a concise summary of the work’s significance, major research questions, data and methods, and findings. The abstracts must truly follow the formatting guidelines and be submitted at www.iamo.de/forum/2015by 13 March 2015. Online submission will be open from the beginning of November 2014. All received abstracts will go through a peer review. Notification of abstracts selected for an oral presentation will be sent by 2 April 2015. All accepted abstracts will be published on the conference website. 

Call for organized sessions 
We welcome proposals for organized sessions that match the theme of IAMO Forum 2015. Events should be limited to 90 minutes. Session proposals should include the title of the pro­posed session and an abstract of up to 300 words that concisely describes the relevance of the session to the meeting theme and, optionally, a list of po­tential speakers and topics. Session proposals must be submitted atwww.iamo.de/forum/2015 by 16 January 2015. Notification of acceptance for session proposals will be sent by 30 January 2015. 

The IAMO Forum 2015 is jointly organized by the De­partment Structural Development of Farms and Rural Areas of IAMO and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The third conference day is co-organized with the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations (Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft, OA). 

For more information please consult our conference website: www.iamo.de/forum/2015 

We would be very grateful if you could forward this information to other interested colleagues. 

IAMO Forum 2015 scientific and organizing committee



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