Educational and Research Laboratory of Bioeconomics (NUBiP of Ukraine) participated in the International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy

October 7, 2021
   IFIB – International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy 2021 was held in Trento, Italy on September 30 - October 1, 2021. The Forum was organised by Assobiotec-Federchimica, SPRING (the Italian Cluster of Green Chemistry) and InnovHub. Co-organizers of IFIB 2021 were Autonomous Province of Trento, HUB Innovation Trentino and Trentino Sviluppo. The event is also supported by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

    Participants from Europe and other countries came together to find potential partners for cooperation, business development, licensing agreements, joint ventures, research projects and exchange of experience. Educational and Research Laboratory of Bioeconomics of the Faculty of Agricultural Management was represented online by Professor Mykola Talavyria, Associate Professor Vira Butenko, Associate Professor Olena Koval, Associate Professor Inna Gushcha, Associate Professor Yuriy Vlasenko, Associate Professor Natalia Bolgarova, and Associate Professor Oksana Pashchenko.

    The event began with welcome speeches from the organizers of the Forum. The program included poster sessions and round tables on the following topics: “How to finance the circular bioeconomy?”, “Scale-up the bioeconomy”, “How to connect value chains in the circular bioeconomy”. There also were numerous B2B meetings between startups, companies, universities, public and private research centers in the field of industrial bioeconomics and biotechnology. The main topics of B2B meetings were bioeconomics and closed-loop economics, bio-based industry, agri-food, marine and white biotechnologies.






Olena Koval,
Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory

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