Meeting of partner universities participating in DAAD project “Digital Modernization of Lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities” was held at NUBiP of Ukraine

October 4, 2021
    Since 2020, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is one of the partner universities in DAAD Project № 57514792 - “Digital Modernization of Lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities”, which aims to develop digital skills, increase the efficiency of educational institutions and their readiness for the challenges of the future in modern conditions. The main objectives of this project are to train lecturers to use interactive information technologies and to organize events to acquaint students and teachers with digital teaching methods.

    On September 20-21, 2021, the representatives from partner universities, namely Sumy National Agrarian University, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences (Germany), participated in a project meeting held at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.


    The participants discussed main fields of future activities and reported on the work done. NUBiP of Ukraine was represented by Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, International Activity and Development Vadym Tkachuk, Vice-Rector For Scientific and Educational Activities Vasyl Shynkaruk, and Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies Olena Glazunova. Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences was represented by Prof. Dr. Ralf Schlauderer, prof. Dr. Sabine Homann-Wenig, Ph.D. Dr. Carsen Lorz. Sumy National Agrarian University was represented by Vice-Rector Valeriy Zhmailov and Mykolayiv National Agrarian University was represented by Vice-Rector Olexander Novikov and Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies Yuriy Volosyuk.

    Each representative from the partner universities participating in the DAAD project presented the main ideas and insights for the future development of digitalization in Ukrainian agricultural universities.

Vita Strokal,
Olexander Labenko


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