The Conference of the University Staff

April 3, 2014

      On March 27, 2014 the Conference of the University staff took place at NULES of Ukraine. The agenda included the following issues:

  • the report of the Head of NULES of Ukraine, Academician Dmytro O. Melnychuk on the achievements of the University in 2014;
  •  approving targets for 2014;
  • execution of the collective agreement between the management and the staff of the University in 2013;
  •  concluding collective agreement between the management and the staff of the University for 2014-2016;
  • creating committees on labour disputes, labour and social security, etc.
This year's report of the Head of the University was attended by five members of the Supervisory Board, including its First Vice-Chairman, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, I.O. Shvayka; the President of the NAAS of Ukraine, V.F. Petrychenko; Hero of Ukraine, former Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Yu.M. Karasyk; Hero of Ukraine, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, O.N. Parubok; Hero of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Greenhouses, Professor O.V. Prylipko. Honoured guests had the opportunity to visit the exhibition of scientific, innovative and academic achievements of the University.


The Conference of the University Staff
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