Unified entrance exam is the triumph of every student, it is the victory of everyone over himself

May 14, 2021
Despite the hectic pace of life, the scientific community lives a busy life: congresses, forums, meetings, scientific and practical conferences, seminars. Each event has a specific scientific and practical purpose, but constant considerable attention is paid to the student - a specialist with great intellectual potential, who will actively participate in creating innovations in any field of human activity today and the future, hope for society in the 30's, 50's.

   On May 12, 2021, the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine held a scientific and methodological seminar "Unified entrance exam to the master's degree - the specifics, training models and methodological developments." The preparation and holding of this seminar is due to the urgency of the issue of the Unified entrance exam for Master's degree (UEE). The scientific-methodical seminar was attended by representatives of various groups of the scientific community, including research and teaching staff, students of 1-4 courses, representatives of other departments and school teachers.
   The participants of the scientific-methodical seminar were hospitably welcomed by the head of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation, Dr. philol. sciences, professor Maria Lychuk.

   She congratulated all participants and stressed the importance of making the right choice when preparing and passing a single entrance exam in a foreign language. All participants of the scientific-methodical seminar were greeted by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, Ph.D. philos. sciences, associate professor Inna Savytska.

    She stressed the need to hold a seminar on the eve of the active preparation of 4th year students for EMI, thanked the participants for organizing the event at a high level. "The optimism with which the dean of the faculty Inna Savytska addressed the participants is especially inspiring to everyone. Be sure to sprout in the souls of our students. Therefore, we are confident that they will make only the right choice in their lives," in such a way Maria Lychuk determined the importance of the dean's words.

   Natalia Zatserkovna, head of the graduate school of the Institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beets of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, addressed the audience with a report "English in the curricula of graduate students: the requirements of today." She stressed that knowledge of a foreign language as a means of social communication is an integral part of social development, and the possession of foreign language by graduate students affects the formation of skills in their research, improving personal image as a graduate student today and as a researcher. in the future.
The participants of the scientific-methodical seminar were greeted by the head of the department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, Ph.D. philol. sciences, associate professor Inna Hrabovska.

   In her report "English as a lingua franca and its role in modern globalization", she stressed that English is a basic life skill of the 21st century, and knowledge of English allows you to work with a much wider variety of information: "English has conquered the world and is the language of intercultural communication and a means of acquiring scientific research and professional knowledge "- sums up Inna Hrabovska.

   Methodological guidelines have become the basis for the report of Marianna Holtsova, Ph.D. philology, associate professor of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation, and Alla Bambura, a fourth-year student majoring in Philology, English is the first languages. In tandem, the instructor-student in the joint report "UEE in English: how to successfully pass the master's exam" they revealed to the participants of the scientific-methodical seminar the secrets of completing the tasks during the single entrance exam in English. Marianna Holtsova offered important recommendations for the implementation of tasks, provided periodic consultations and step-by-step practical instructions on how to properly, quickly and efficiently approach the implementation of different types of tasks. Some examples of task performance were demonstrated and commented on by Alla Bambura.

   Natalia Stetsiuk, Master of the 1st year of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, English teacher of the Dulitsky Educational Complex of the Skvyra city council of the Kyiv region addressed the audience. She offered a report on "The profession of English teacher: the challenges of today and changing professional priorities." Natalia Stetsiuk's report was interesting because it was confirmed by her own observations made during her pedagogical activity. According to the speaker, the main task of the teacher is to direct the student to the right choice of resources and sources in preparation for the exam, to direct him to new perspectives. With this message, she addressed the bachelor students who are faced with a responsible choice.
  First-year students Yaroslav Vorobyov and Yulia Dyachenko also took part in the scientific-methodical seminar. The students shared their own experience of preparation for UEE, emphasizing that the gradual and early preparation is important. In his report. Yulia Dyachenko stressed with a firm conviction: "The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and to believe in yourself!".

   The report "Strategies for reading tasks for UEE" was made by Oleh Nozhovnik, Ph.D. ped. sciences, associate professor of Romance and Germanic languages and translation. He noted: "UEE tests not only your knowledge of the language, but also your way of thinking, the ability to work with information, the ability to search for it, process it, draw conclusions." Oleh Nozhovnik added that reading is the most difficult type of tasks, which requires knowledge of a certain structure of texts and the ability to process them quickly and efficiently.
   At the end of the scientific-methodical seminar the head of the department Maria Lychuk presented the normative documents you need to know for preparation and preparation of UEE, calendar of entrance examinations, components and specifics of professional and elective components of the educational-professional program "English and Second Foreign" level of higher education. The training of masters in "Philology" for this educational and professional program in NULES of Ukraine is unique, because the educational and professional program in its content and thoughtfulness of components differs significantly from the EPP of other institutions of higher education. These are great benefits. That is why students who have completed a bachelor's degree at the Kyiv National Linguistic University are happy to come to us every year for a master's degree.
  The scientific-methodical seminar was held in a positive business atmosphere. The head of the department Maria Lychuk sincerely thanked all the participants who took part in the scientific-methodical seminar. Discussions of reports of other participants will take place at meetings of scientific student circles

   The epigraph of the seminar was the following words: “UEE is a synthesis of knowledge, skills and abilities, it is a concentration of mental abilities, concentration. This is the triumph of each student, the victory of each over himself! Believe in yourself and your abilities! Let these words be a guide for you, let them prove once again that this choice is before everyone and it must be made correctly today or tomorrow, not in a year or two. We wish you to confidently go to your goal!

Valentyna Malinkina,
assistant of the department
of Romance and Germanic languages and translation,
Oleh Nozhovnik,
associate professor of the department of
Romance and Germanic languages and translation

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