Cooperation with Latvian counterparts continues!

July 1, 2021
    For the second time in June, the Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management welcomes guests from the Republic of Latvia. On June 29, Latvian Diplomatic Attaché for Economic Affairs in Ukraine Ainars Mejžulis, Head of the Joint Stock Company “Latvia’s State Forests” Roberts Stripnieks, Head of BioMix Balticum Ltd. Dainis Oleksiyev and Second Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Latvia in Ukraine Edvīns Severs visited NUBiP of Ukraine.

    The guests were greeted by the Head of the Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management, Petro Lakyda, and his deputies, the Head of NUBiP Separated Subdivision “Boyarka Forestry Research Station”, Anatoliy Karpuk, the Head of the Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape Gardening, Roman Vasylyshyn and the Head of the Department of Botany, Dendrology and Forest Tree Breeding, Yuriy Marchuk.

    Petro Lakyda acquainted the guests with the history, current state of affairs and peculiarities of functioning of the education and research institute. Anatoliy Karpuk presented the research and production activities of Boyarka Forestry Research Station, while Roberts Stripnieks summarized the principles of forestry in the Republic of Latvia.

    During the meeting, the parties discussed the issues of further expansion of international cooperation between intersectoral research and educational institutions of Ukraine and Latvia. In general, the meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere, and the participants willingly exchanged questions and jokes.

    After the official conversation was over, the guests visited Oleksiy O. Salganskyy Museum of Forest Animals and Birds, where the head of the Department of Forestry, Nataliya Puzrina presented the history of collecting the unique collection of the museum and showed the most valuable exhibits.


    Finally, the guests visited the arboretum of NUBiP Botanical Garden, accompanied by Yuriy Marchuk, who acquainted the Latvian counterparts with the history of creation of the collection. The guests were positively impressed by a large number of sculptures on the territory of the arboretum, as well as the open-air auditorium.

    Having visited the university, the guests headed to the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine.

Maria Shevchuk,

Head of International Programmes of
the Education and Research Institute of
Forestry and Landscape-Park Management


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