24 March 2021, 18:51
laboratory of economic theory and bioeconomy NULES of Ukraine

   The Roundtable: How to design a gender sensitive culture took place on March 23rd 2021. The aim of the webinar was to share and promote what has been done in different European projects to achieve a gender sensitive culture. It focused on the ‘nuts and bolts’ (tips, recommendations and lessons learned) of what is needed to succeed in designing a gender sensitive culture. The main topics were discussed: testimony and experience sharing on building a gender culture in one’s own organization or company and key aspects on how to design a gender sensitive culture. The main speakers were leaders of Gender-SMART Project: Magalie Lesueur Jannoyer (CIRAD – France), Jane Kavanagh (TAEGASC – Ireland), Stephane Reboud (Dell – France) External Advisory Committee, Ester Cois (University of Cagliari – Italy) SUPERA Project; Cindy Van Hyfte (CIRAD – France). This Roundtable was moderated by Panayiota Polykarpou (CUT – Cyprus) Gender-SMART Project.

Olena Koval, head of the laboratory

of economic theory and bioeconomy NULES of Ukraine


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