New Academic Year Began at National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

September 2, 2013

On September 1, 2013, a traditional holiday "Day of Knowledge" and a solemn initiation to freshmen took place at National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Nearly 10,000 young freshmen joined the ranks of the students of our university - one of the largest universities in Eastern Europe which will celebrate its 115th anniversary this autumn.

"Day of Knowledge" at the university is a special holiday, always bright and colourful, full of emotions and excitement. This is the day when freshmen start a new page of their lives.

So this year the morning of the 1st of September was filled with melodious sounds of the student waltz and university streets bloomed with student smiles.

Traditionally freshmen were welcomed by the Head of the University, Academician, Dmytro O. Melnychuk who voiced the greetings of the President of Ukraine, Viktor F. Yanukovych, the Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Volodymyr V. Rybak and the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mykola Ya. Azarov. Addressing the freshmen, Dmytro Oleksijovych noted that they made a good choice as NULES of Ukraine occupies a worthy place among national and foreign universities in the field of agricultural, environmental, life sciences and society development sciences. The university has significant achievements in research, educational and innovative fields and therefore it was awarded with the status of the autonomous (self-governing) and research university and now actively works on completing the accreditation according with the U.S. educational standards. The Head of the University also highlighted that not only the future of the students depends on their education but also the fate of our country.

The celebration was attended by the Ambassador on Special Orders of the Government of Ukraine, the Advisor of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yu.M. Doroshenko, who voiced the congratulatory telegram of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, K.I. Gryshchenko. In this telegram Mr Gryshchenko layed the stress on the significance of quality education for full self-realization and successful future career and importance of well-qualified specialists for the development of our country.

The freshmen and the students of the university were congratulated by the Hero of Ukraine, Hero of Socialist Labour of the Soviet Union, CEO of "Avangard-A» Agricultural Company, O.G. Borovik, the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of the Research Centre of Environmental Monitoring and Megalopolis of NAS of Ukraine, V.G. Radchenko, the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of D.K. Zabolotnyy Institute of Microbiology and Virology, V.S. Pidgorskyy, Chairman of Tetiiv District State Administration, Deputy of the District Council of V convocation, CEO of "Tak-Agro" LLC, R.T.  Golub, the Head of the student organization of NULES of Ukraine, O.V. Kukhar, poet and song writer, Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies of the University, V. Kryschenko. They congratulated the freshmen on admission to such well-known university and wished success in education in order to become true professionals and increase the glory of their alma mater.

The University received greetings from the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, M.V. Prysyazhnyuk, the Head of Kyiv Regional State Administration, A.Y. Prysyazhnyuk, the Head  of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, V.A. Konstantynov, the Head of State Aquatic Agency of Ukraine, V.A. Stashuk,  the Head of chairman of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, V.O. Kravchuk, the Head of the State Service of Export Control of Ukraine, V.A. Demyokhin and others.

Artistic ensembles of the university showed hosts and guests of the holiday wonderful world of Ukrainian songs and dances, and performances of sportsmen added inspiration and positive energy.

It became a tradition on the 1st of September to grant friends of the university diplomas of Honorary Professors and Doctors of NULES of Ukraine as a sign of gratitude and respect for people who contributed into the development of the university.

This year the diploma of Honorary Doctor of NULES of Ukraine was presented to the Head of the Global Fire Monitoring Centre of the United Nations, Professor Johann Goldammer. Professor of the Department of Morphological Sciences of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Sisa Paul Stanislaw and the Head of the Poultry Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Lizhy Lu became Professors Emeritus of the University. The honorary title of the "Patron of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine" was awarded to the CEO of «John Deere Ukraine" Company, I.V. Kutovyy. He also presented the university with a "modest" gift of 250 thousand dollars – a tractor by «John Deere».  We believe that soon in cooperation with such well-known companies as «Amaco» and «John Deere» we will be able to implement our mutual agreement on the establishment of the Educational and Production Ukrainian-American Centre for Contemporary U.S. Techniques and Technologies in Agriculture.

Traditional rewarding of the teaching staff and employees of university also took place during the holiday.

All speakers thanked the Head of the University, Academician D.O. Melnychuk, the Academic Council of NULES of Ukraine and all participants for their excellent organization of the "Day of Knowledge" holiday at NULES of Ukraine. 


Prof. Johann G. Goldammer - Director of the Global Fire Monitoring Center, Freiburg, Germany
Prof. Paweł Stanisław SYSA	Professor of the Department of Morphological Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Dr Lizhi Lu	Professor, Chief Scientist, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences
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