Classes in open-air classroom format

September 17, 2020

The pandemic dictates to us new rules of life, communication, existence in the social space. Did not bypass these innovations and learning processes. One of the recommendations of the chief state sanitary doctor emphasizes that, if possible, outdoor training, because the risk of transmission of coronavirus in this form of training is minimal.

The idea of moving classes from classrooms to the street is not new. Many researchers, scientists, educators, pupils and students emphasize that being in the fresh air has a positive effect on mental health and improves physical, increases the level of involvement in learning and attention. And in the conditions of adaptive quarantine allow to feel freely, thus adhering to social distance.

The department of pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine, under the leadership of the head of the department, doctor of ped. sciences, professor, Sopivnyk Ruslan Vasyliovych and with the participation of assistant Dira Nadiia Oleksandrivna, joined the training in the format of Open-air classroom. On September 14, 2020, a practical lesson on the elective discipline "Leaderology" took place. The educational process took place in the conditions of adaptive quarantine, in the fresh air with observance of social distance.

During the lesson, students had the opportunity to get acquainted with and apply the knowledge of the basics of leadership, directly in practice. By completing the training tasks, students expanded their knowledge about themselves and others learned the basics of self-presentation and presentation of others, practiced skills of working in pairs, had the opportunity to discuss and correctly argue their point of view.

According to the students themselves, this practical lesson allowed them to change the learning environment, which allowed them to feel more open, intensified the process of introspection, communication skills, increased interest in the discipline "Leaderology".

Thus, during the practical lesson, each student had the opportunity to show their vision of the subject, to conduct self-analysis of leadership skills, identify and apply their own personality traits (such as self-management, self-discipline, balance, ambition, determination, enthusiasm, perseverance, self-confidence , thirst for knowledge), learn and apply in life a new way of communicating with other people.


Nadiia Dira,

senior lecturer at the department of pedagogy;

Maria Rossova,

student of the faculty of veterinary medicine

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