We congratulate Ruslan Vasylyovych SOPIVNYK on his birthday! (Rectorate)

May 28, 2020


The rectorate of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine sincerely congratulates the head of the department of pedagogy, doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor


Ruslan Vasylyovych SOPIVNYK
on his birthday!


We extend our sincerest and warmest birthday greetings to a talented and qualified lecturer, balanced and energetic leader with ambitious and optimistic plans. We wish you good health, happiness without measure, achievements without number, harmony and prosperity, and good luck in everything!

We wish you to keep your best human qualities for at least a hundred years and always remain as active, businesslike, responsible and tactful as we know you. Let your colleagues respect you, adore your acquaintances and love your relatives and friends very much!

May the soul be soft, kind and sensitive, and the mind be firm and wise! Faith, hope, love and flourishing family comfort!

Happy holiday!


rector of NULES of Ukraine  Stanislav Nikolaenko

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