Interactive Open Door Day at the department of foreign philology and translation

May 12, 2020

"How many languages you know - so many times are you human!"

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


     On May 11, the department of foreign philology and translation welcomed guests during the traditional Open Door Day, which this year took place in a somewhat unusual format - remotely. However, this did not prevent future entrants, their parents and foreign language instructors to take part in the event, which aroused their interest, as the department was "visited" by more than 70 participants of the distance meeting. It was nice to see among them the head of the methodical department of the Kyiv regional municipal out-of-school educational institution "Small Academy of sciences of student youth" Olena Hryhorenko with her pupils.

     The head of the department Svitlana Amelina greeted the guests and acquainted them with the educational program "German and a second foreign language" majoring in "Philology (German languages and literature (translation included)", which trains bachelors and masters.

     Deputy dean Ihor Butsyk addressed congratulations from the dean's office of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics and personally from the dean Vasyl Shynkaruk. He spoke about the mission of the faculty, its prospects and ambitious plans and noted the contribution of the department of foreign philology and translation in their implementation.

     After that, the instructors of the department invited the participants to take a virtual tour of the university, see its buildings, a beautiful botanical garden, elegant halls, and most importantly - fragments of student life, full of learning, leisure, amateur art and sports.

     During the preparations for the Open Door Day, the instructors of the department, after consultation, unanimously decided to "stay behind the scenes" and give the floor to the graduates of the department and current students. And they were not mistaken, because who will tell more interestingly and in detail, "with knowledge of the case", if not peers or almost peers.

     So, the guests listened with interest to the story of a graduate of the department Maryna Skokova, who graduated with a master's degree with honors, and in parallel one more sertificate of the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk. Now she herself has become an instructor, working at the department of foreign philology and translation and teaches those who replaced her on the student bench.

     Another graduate of the department, Yuliya Boyko, who is also an excellent student, who has been working in Germany since graduating and is also studying at the University of Hamburg, has joined the event from Hamburg. Both graduates told future entrants about the huge number of opportunities and great prospects that they will receive by choosing the specialty "Philology. German language” at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

     And how do freshmen feel? Sofia Salnyk and Ulyana Honcharenko spoke on their behalf. Sofia emphasized that, having a high entrance score - 198, she did not doubt for a moment the choice of university and did not regret it, because it is interesting to study here. Ulyana focused more on participating in amateur art and said that she is a member of the university team in athletics. The freshmen unanimously stated that learning is not easy, but also unanimously assured that teachers and curators will always support and help. And invited those who are now choosing their way to the future profession, to join the friendly student-instructor community of NULES of Ukraine.

     A bit more experience has already been gained by sophomores, who also encouraged to join NULES of Ukraine. Yana Yanok and Yuliya Haukha are currently in Poland, studying at the Pomeranian Academy, where under the current situation learning is also conducted in distance regime, but , as the girls noted, everything is so well organized and coordinated by both universities that they manage to master the program that it is not easy. Nadiya Chuprakova remembered herself in the place of the current entrants, her doubts and hesitations. At the same time, she noted a large number of advantages and opportunities provided by studying the German language. Nadiya expressed hope to see today's guests of the Open Door Day in their place.

     Fourth-year student Olena Kovalchuk is completing her bachelor's degree and plans to continue her master's degree. In four years at NULES of Ukraine, Olena has made many achievements, among them, in particular, the C1 certificate in German, obtained after successfully passing the relevant exams at the Goethe-Institut. She also informed the guests of the event about possible participation in language schools, German language courses, seminars and conferences in Germany, where her classmates visited. Olena Hryhorenko asked Olena how Ukrainian students are treated at foreign universities, while noting her very good command of the German language.

     By the way, all students emphasized that they have the opportunity to learn and improve their knowledge of foreign languages by communicating with their native speakers. They also noted the competence and friendliness of the instructors of the department of foreign philology and translation, their constant support, willingness to help, but also demanding.

     It is worth noting that the meeting was interactive, and our guests asked questions, mostly in the chat, about the cost of training, the availability and cost of training courses, opportunities to go on internships in other countries and more.

      The students-participants of the event paid special attention to studying other foreign languages, because, in addition to German, you can choose to study English as a second foreign language, which was presented by freshman Lyubov Zakatyura; Polish, the study of which was enthusiastically told by a fourth-year student Alina Cheberyako; French, which fascinated Diana Satsyuk.

     The program of the Open Door Day was busy, so the time of the meeting passed very quickly. And how nice it was to finally read the expressions of gratitude from our guests - from the word "Thank you" to the marks in the form of a plus or a smiley face!

     We were happy to meet in cyberspace and look forward to further meetings in university auditoriums!

Svitlana Amelina,
head of the department of foreign philology and translation

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