May 12, 2020
On May 11, 2020, the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation hosted an open door day in an unusual online format.
Visitors had the opportunity to communicate with instructors and students and get answers to questions in the areas of training, organization of practical training and internships, employment opportunities and more. Prospective entrants and their parents received general information about the specialty 035.041 "Philology" (German languages and literatures) (translation included), (English and a second foreign language) and the introductory campaign next year.

The first to address them was the head of the department, professor Natalia Kravchenko. She briefly told the guests about the department, its staff, scientific schools, traditions and features of education. Shel also informed the audience about the employment of graduates of the department, their compliance with the requirements of the labor market and career prospects that provide knowledge gained at the faculty for humanities and pedagogics.

Svitlana Vasylivna Kharchenko, deputy dean of the faculty for humanities and pedagogy, spoke about the conditions of admission to the university. The information on the course of the introductory campaign of the next academic year was very useful, as well as on the specialties in which higher education can be obtained at the department. Svitlana Vasylivna spoke in detail about the opportunities to build one’s own educational trajectories within the selected specialties - taking into account the emergence of various interdisciplinary programs and double degree programs with foreign universities.
The speech was supplemented by the deputy dean of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics Ihor Mykhailovych Butsyk. He spoke about the competitive selection procedure and answered questions from the audience.
Students of philology of 1-4 years of study, as well as undergraduates told about their own experience in exchange programs with foreign universities and double degree programs, the possibility of free internships abroad and language practice at leading universities in Germany, France, Poland, Turkey and China, employment prospects. Students told the guests about the advantages and prospects of the chosen specialty, the high level of teaching English and translation by instructors of the department, about interactive programs, the opportunity to communicate with native speakers, scientific work of students, scientific and practical conferences in which they regularly participate.

Students also talked about the best living conditions in dormitories, about the opportunities that NULES students of Ukraine have not only for professional development, but also for sports, reasonable leisure, development of their creative abilities and more. In particular, Cheberyako Alina, Lytvyn Vladyslava, Dzen Yuliya, Dehtyariova Daria, Lyakir Kateryna, Sahan Yuliya, Zinkivska Valeria, Zakatey Yuliya, Ivonyuk Sofia, Bondar Ruslana, Kodola Oksana were performing at the event.
2nd year student Lytvyn Vladyslava recited her own poem about the faculty for humanities and pedagogics of NULES of Ukraine. Yuliya Zakatey, a first-year master's student, told about her studies and internships abroad and showed photos taken during her language practice in China and other countries.
Instructors of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation also addressed the guests. In particular, associate professor Sydoruk H.I. made a presentation on the benefits of the profession of translator, training of translation specialists at the faculty for humanities and pedagogics, the personal and professional qualities that must have representatives of this profession.
Associate professor O.I. Chaika made a presentation in English for those who are going to enter the master's program of NULES of Ukraine, focusing on the bases of internships, and employment opportunities after internships in various institutions and banks.
The meeting was held in an informal and very warm atmosphere - with a demonstration of videos, photos, presentations.
At the end of the meeting, entrants asked questions about the conditions of admission to NULES of Ukraine, opportunities to learn several foreign languages and more. Deputy dean Svitlana Vasylivna Kharchenko provided constructive answers to most of the questions.
Prospective entrants immediately shared their impressions.
In particular, Yuliya Nikolaychuk wrote: "Thank you very much! I was at the Open Door Day! The information was very informative and good. The students' feedback was very impressive. Alinka Cheberyako shared her impressions of studying and other students, too. Very good impression of the university! Thank you!"
Kravchenko Natalia,
doctor of philological sciences,
professor, head of the department
of Romance and Germanic
languages and translation,
Polishchuk Oleksandr,
associate professor of the department of Romance and Germanic
languages and translatio