"What we have – we don't care, and having lost – we get upset," or "how much we want to go to the university!" – keynote of the meeting of the department of cultural studies

April 17, 2020

People say, "What we have – for that we do not care, and losing – we become upset," or "You know its price, when you lose it." This became even clearer during the coronavirus pandemic, when students, who often whined in the morning about the need to rush to class, now complain that there is no need to go to university… But, fortunately, the era of information technology provides many opportunities for meetings, consulting, training and self-development. This is what was discussed at the meeting of the department of cultural studies, which took place this week in the remote mode

Colleagues were glad to see each other healthy, full of inspiration, so with pleasure and healthy humor shared the experience of conducting classes in the remote mode, achievements in creative work, methods of remote career guidance.
For example, the associate professor of the department, honored artist of Ukraine Viktor Kavun remembered that, during the quarantine in London, when the Globe Theater was closed, the actor, screenwriter and co-owner of which was William Shakespeare, saw the drama "King Lear." But during this time Viktor Mykolayovych submitted to the almanac "Culture and modernity", which is a specialized edition in cultural disciplines, an article "Therapeutic influence of ensemble singing".
Associate professor of the department, honored artist of Ukraine Roman Antonovych Rudyi remembered that musicians from all over the world make videos with works about the pandemic. Thus, Mexico's smash hit La Cumbia del Coronairus – Mister Cumbia has garnered over 41,000 likes on YouTube. Under Latin rhythm, the singer explains the simple rules of hygiene that will protect against the virus. Participants of the art studio "7 steps" have not yet written a song about the coronavirus, but the results of their remote work on FB have already been presented. We offer you to look and listen to it:

Video https://youtu.be/9AK__RXnCP0

"Ukrainian singer Potap also released a song about coronavirus. The new track is called "Quarantine", in the video for the song the rapper performs in front of an empty hall. And Nastya Kamenskykh on Instagram posted a rousing rap song in which she sang in five languages about the importance of staying home. In the impromptu video Kamensky advises to measure all her skirts, call her brother, collect the puzzle and read the book, "– said the instructor of the department, Serhii Dudko. The popular male vocal ensemble "Amero", in order to remain popular with those who already love it and gain more fans, will soon introduce to the listeners a new composition in the words of Vadym Khryshchenko. In the meantime, the intense creative work continues:


Professor of the department, people's artist of Ukraine Natalia M. Shelepnytska shared opportunities to study creativity on various remote platforms, and associate professor Iryna Voytyuk told how it is possible to take part in creative projects, festivals, competitions, which also take place online during quarantine.
The graduates of the song and dance ensemble “Kolos” were challenged by the choral group:

Video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24f5rXGDc1I

However, senior lecturer of the department of cultural studies Volodymyr Yakymchuk assures that the choral group of the present Kolos band is engaged daily, so it is in a great creative form:

Head of “Berezil” national theater senior lecturer Nataliya Titenko reported that the last week students of the theater were working on a diction, learned to pronounce sounds and words correctly, to confirm the well-known opinion that Ukrainian is one of the most melodious languages in the world. You can see what happened to this on the department's page (https://nubip.edu.ua/node/75151).

The head of the ballroom dance ensemble "Charivnist (Charm)", associate professor of the department Svitlana Makoda, did not stay away from the discussion. The members of the ensemble hone their choreographic skills by browsing the web resources and video consultations of Svetlana Leonidovna herself.

But a participant of the ensemble, student of the TSI of Forestry Volodymyr Chertov saw that in in British Cheshire every day at 11 o'clock in the morning residents go to their yards or to the road near the houses, where the local fitness instructor Janet Woodcock conducts a 10-minute joint dance session, – and went out to his yard:

The classes and preparation for the credits and examsn for students studying ethnocultural studies, family culture and aesthetics are also in the progress. Associate professor Valentyna Pantalienko already has experience of distance examination of the part-time students at the law faculty, associate professor Iryna Sydorenko – distance evaluation at the faculty of information technologies, associate professor Tetiana Mysyura – vocational guidance online lectures. Students of the specialty "Social work" under the guidance of associate professor Yaryna Puzyrenko opened the project "Quarantine creativity", the results of which will be presented next week.
But studying the module "Material and spiritual culture of the Ukrainian people", students of FHP, are really preparing for Easter. Opening day of the best Easter eggs is for you.

International relations students:


      Becketova Dariya                              Zabashtanska Valeria


            Boyarko Maria                                  Pokotylo Kostyantyn


  Kolyosa Anastasia                               Romanovych Oksana


         Melnyk Alina                                       Vydyborets Anastasia


Falko Daryna                                            Kapshuk Victoria


          Shkurenko Amina                                                 Melnychenko Iryna


Moroz Vladyslava                                     Tkachuk Dariya


 Furman Yevheniya                               Hryshchenko Victoria


   Pytel Victoria                                     Shcherbyna Sophia


Zakomorna Anastasia                                 Herasymchuk Olena


Chykhar Anna                                              Gudz Olena


  Oros Bohdana                                    Romanchenko Anna


Pavlenko Kateryna                                             Horban Dariya


Ilchenko Sophia                                               Matsievska Bohdana


Kolesnik Anastasia                                      Barvinok Iryna


      Levchuk Tetiana                                   Vakulenko Anna

And here are the Easter eggs from the students of the faculty of livestock and aquatic bioresources:


Kovtun Vyacheslav                                             Kubrak Alina


Pulenko Bohdan                                         Ryaho Maryna


Savych Vita                                                  Teslya Dariya

And on the on-line opening day, the students of the Institute of forestry and landscape management (LNG-16001b) presented their works:

Matviychuk Valeria


Well – until we meet again after Easter! Happy Holidays!


Head of the department of cultural studies
Iryna Maidanyuk

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