Eleventh-grader Maria Zhyshko dreams of studying at NULES of Ukraine under the educational program "Social Work"

April 12, 2020
  • Please tell us about yourself…

     – My name is Zhyshko Maria, I am 17 years old. In 2020, I am graduating from the school of Severynivska secondary school of the 1-3 levels. At the moment, I am a deputy president of the school and a member of the student government and an active participant in the life of the school. My hobby is writing poetry and essays. I go to a dance club and enjoy singing, especially folk songs. I also win regional, oblast and all-Ukrainian competitions, mostly creative competitions where you can discover yourself.

  • Why did you decide to continue your studies and get a higher education?

     – For me, higher education gives greater prospects for my development in future and it prepares us more broadly for our chosen profession. I think that the material side of higher education should not be concealed either, because higher education gives more chances to get a prestigious and high-paying job with a career ladder.

  • What are the benefits of NULES in deciding on a higher education institution?

     – First of all, this university has an excellent reputation, as for me, among other institutions of higher education. Secondly, the prestige of the university influenced my choice. Third, the presence of the program I prefer. Fourth, – the level of teaching staff. Fifth, cost and forms of training. Sixth, – good feedback from students of this institution. Seventh, the convenience of location and favorable conditions in the hostel.

  • Why are you interested in “Social work”?

     – I chose the specialty "Social Work" three years ago. I understand that being a social worker is not an easy profession, but it affects the state of our soul and also helps us find ourselves. I know that to become a truly qualified specialist in this field, you need to study hard, work hard, and most importantly love your job. Probably one of the main reasons for choosing this direction is the desire to improve the spiritual state of man and to temper it from the inside, to teach people to overcome difficulties and fears, because in the world there are many evils, obstacles and betrayals that can break us.

  • Where did you learn about our university and the “Social Work” program?

     – I learned about NULES of Ukraine, including the specialty, from the first year student of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics? obtaining the specialty "Social Work" Kosyachenko Vlada. This student tells me about the rich, diverse and interesting life of the faculty. Thanks to her stories, I have an even greater desire to enter your university in the specialty "Social work".

  • Share your dream with your readers.

     – I have many dreams and goals, but now my dream is, probably, like other school graduates, to enroll in the dreamed university at the chosen faculty. I think from the answers it is clear that my dream institution is the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. And in the future I want to get a long desired profession and job, because I feel that working with people is mine. Agree that the main thing is to find and realize yourself in life. So, I wish you and me success. I hope to see you soon at your university, because dreams must come true.


Conversation in the remote mode was conducted by Vlada Kosyachenko,
the 1st year student of the educational program "Social Work"
and acting head of the department of social work and rehabilitation
Iryna Sopivnyk

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